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CCMP94-RD-035 中醫藥國際化人才培訓計畫

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:94-06-01
  • 更新時間:109-02-18


加入世界衛生大會(WHA)及世界衛生組織(WHO)為國人一致之目標,許多民間團體,如台灣醫界聯盟積極努力推動。唯中醫藥界過去與相關國際傳統醫學組織較少交流,而未參與,因此積極培育中醫藥國際交流人才乃刻不容緩之事。本計畫擬積極收集國際傳統醫學與相關機構組織、學會、教育機構之名單、地址、網址及活動資料,供日後交流之參考。本計畫也將廣泛收集國內外英文中醫藥教材書籍,作為中醫藥英文教學之參考。開設英文授課之中醫藥英文(含中醫概論、中藥概論等基礎課程),並於暑期辦理跨校性之英文中醫藥研習會,除中醫藥之課程外也包括WHO, WHA, NGO, NPO之介紹、國際禮儀及組織法規等,達一定基礎後也可辦理國際中醫藥研習會。

International Personnel Training Program in Traditional Chinese Medicine

Chun-Fu Yeh
Institute of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences, China Medical University
Participation in World Health Assembly and World Health Organization has been the major goal of the people in the nation. Many non-governmental organizations such as Foundation of Medical Professionals Alliance in Taiwan (FMPAT) had been working very hard in the past. The TCM Communities which did not communicate much with international counterparts in the past did not participate in this national campaign. Therefore, international personnel training program in TCM became very important. This project will collect information of international TCM organizations, associations and institutes including their names, address, websites and major activities sponsored for future reference. This project will also collect English reference books on TCM for lecture references. The project will offer TCM English course for undergraduate students and interested TCM practitioners. The project will also sponsor an English summer workshop in TCM. Besides the TCM courses, the workshop will also cover international etiquette, introduction to WHO, WHA and NGO etc. In the long run, we also plan to sponsor international TCM workshop for international participants.
關鍵字:Internationalization of TCM;Personnel Training;English;International TCM Organization and Association