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CCMP94-RD-038 臺灣市售易誤用混用中藥材基原鑑定之研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:94-10-20
  • 更新時間:109-02-18


中草藥的鑑別目的,在於辨別藥材的真偽、摻雜和品質的優劣,以保證藥材的確實療效。因為誤用混用的偽藥或劣藥,不但不能治好病,反而會誤病甚至害人。故本研究進行常用市售誤用混用中草藥之調查,建立其科學化的鑑別機制,如藥材之外部形態及顯微鑑定等,並分別建立其鑑別圖鑑,以供未來鑑別之依據,期能對未來相同藥材之鑑定,進行更快速及準確的比對,是否為正確之基原。本計畫將依上述研究方法及模式,配合現代技術和儀器的使用,使中藥的品質和質量鑑定,由傳統形態鑑別到顯微鑑定,密蒙花(Buddleia officinalis MAXIM.)、蒲公英(Taraxacum mongolicum HAND.-MAZZ.)、茵陳(Artemisia capillaris THUNB.)、白英(Solanum lyratum THUNB.)、白花蛇舌草(Hedyotis diffusa WILLD.)、半夏(Pinellia ternata (THUNB.) BREIT.)等藥材調查研究。藥材調查研究。提供有效的鑑定圖鑑,以確定其基原,瞭解誤用混用與正品之相關藥材的差異性,以提供中草藥基原鑑定一個較完整可行之參考資料。

Study on the identification of germplasm of easily abused and mixed Chinese medicine in Taiwan market

Chao-Lin Kuo
School of Chinese Medicine Resources, China Medical University
There are so many generic and homonymic traditional Chinese medicines materials in the market. The most basic but critical issue in the quality of controlling them is to identify its reality, origin and quality. In this study, using comparative pharmacognostic methods, we are going to compare the origin, morphology and microscopic characteristic of 6 traditional medicinal material of Taiwan natives. They will be identified including Buddleia officinalis MAXIM., Taraxacum mongolicum HAND.-MAZZ., Artemisia capillaris THUNB., Solanum lyratum THUNB., Hedyotis diffusa WILLD., and Pinellia ternata (THUNB.) BREIT. We hope to provide a effective identification diagrammatical data-base for correctly using and identifying the origin of Chinese medicines in the future.
關鍵字:origin of Chinese medicine;morphology;microscopic identificatio