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CCMP94-RD-040 可添加於化妝品內中藥材品項(正面表列與負面表列)之研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:94-11-17
  • 更新時間:109-02-18


國內化妝品市場中,含中藥化妝品的產品有日益增多的趨勢,其中宣稱具備保濕、美白、抗老與除皺等不同功能的含中藥化妝品種類與數量繁多。政府針對含中藥化妝品相關法規的訂定、各項試驗標準平台的建立(如安定性,安全性,有效性)、產品品質的要求等方面,都必須建立符合國際標準要求的目標為導向。目前的化妝品法規中,並無針對化妝品內的中藥品項規定,業者欲開發含中藥化妝品時,面臨無相關中藥品項規定可以遵循的窘境。因此,研究可添加於化妝品內中藥材品項(正面表列與負面表列),實有其必要性與急迫性。本計畫之目的在於完成可添加於化妝品內中藥材品項(正面表列與負面表列),作為將來相關法規訂定的參考依據。實施方法分為以下四種:(一)網路資訊搜尋(如國際化妝品成分與手冊;第七版;一九九七) (二) 參考各國法規資料(如EU,日本醫藥部外品,大陸資料)(三)民間調查(如問卷調查,函詢,訪問業者)(四)舉辦與業者座談會。

Study on the Chinese medicine herb contained in cosmetics (positive list and negative list)

Tsong-Min Chang
Department of Applied Cosmetology, HongKuang University
The number of Chinese herb-containing cosmetic products has been increasing in the market. There are various types of Chinese herb-containing cosmetic products which claim moisturizing, whitening, anti-ageing and anti-wrinkle effects, respectively. The government has to follow the international standards to make the regulations and laws of Chinese herb-containing cosmetics, establish the standard evaluation platform of stability, safety and effectiveness of Chinese herb- containing cosmetics and make requirements of quality control of such cosmetics. So far, none of the cosmetic regulations and laws has shown to the manufactures what kind of Chinese herb can be added into cosmetic formulation. Indeed, the manufactures do not know which item of Chinese herb could be contained in the products. Therefore, it is necessary to study the items of Chinese herb (positive and negative list) used in cosmetic formulation. The present study aim to complete the positive and negative list of Chinese herb added in cosmetics, and the results of this study may act as a reference to make the official regulations and laws of Chinese herb-containing cosmetics.
關鍵字:Chinese herb-containing cosmetics;positive list;negative list