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CCMP94-RD-106 大仁中草藥商機-中藥GMP製造流程及管理法規研究(2-2)

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:94-03-16
  • 更新時間:109-02-18


藥品優良製造規範和管理藥品之法律對保護消費者,免於遇受藥物所引起之危險,但目前國內對於中藥,不論是GMP或管理規章,均嫌不足。本研究將嘗試檢討這些問題,並提出建議書,供政府制訂乃至於修改時之參考,具體而言,研究對象如下所示: 1)中藥優良藥品製造規範 2)中藥製程確效 3)中藥藥品查驗登流程及文件 4)中藥上市後管理

A Tajen Project on Market Opportunity of Chinese Herbs-Studies on the GMP issues and regulatory manipulations (2-2)

Rhei-Long Chen
Tajen University
Both GMP and some laws managing drug product are important for protecting persons from the danger caused by drugs. But they are not complete for herbal drugs. In this study, we attend to coordinate the opinions of herbal medicine producers and scholars, then submit proposal, A used to estiablish laws, to government. Concretely the objects of this study are shown as follows: 1) Good manufacturing practices for herbal medicines 2) Process validation for producing herbal medicines 3) Flow and documents of registration of herbal medicines 4) Mangement of marketing herbal medicines In the first year, we examined the completities of GMP and laws managing drug product for herbal drugs. The works of second year are focused on avoiding contamination during manufacturing and mangement of marketing herbal medicines
關鍵字:Chinese medicine GMP;Manufacturing process management;Pharmaceutical Technology