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CCMP93-RD-004 辛夷散對過敏性鼻炎治療臨床療效評估

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:98-05-29
  • 更新時間:106-06-13



Study the effects of Shin-Yi-San on the treatment of allergic rhinitis

Yang sing-hung
Chang-Gung Memirial Hospital
Allergic rhinitis is the type I hypersensitivity reaction of nasal mucosa to environmental allergen. It is characterized by one or more 
symptoms including sneezing, itching , rhinorrhea and nasal congestion.The prevalence of allergic rhinitis in Taiwan is approximately 20% and 
increases annually. Controlling the symptoms with medical therapy is the main treatment of allergic rhinitis. Nevertheless, the majority of patient 
still suffer from symptom relapse, even in the course of maintained therapy. In the past years, we found the patients with allergic rhinitis 
response well to Chinese medicine. The combined regimen of Hsian-Sa-Lieu-Gin-Tze-Tan, Hsiao-Chin-Long-Tang and Shin-Yi-San therapy 
has been proven to modulate the cytokine profile of allergic rhinitis in our previous study. We would like to further investigate the modulating 
effect of the traditional Chinese decoction Shin-Yi-San to the cytokine profile of allergic rhinitis and its effect to nasal congestion 
關鍵字:Allergic rhinitis;Shin-Yi-San;Immune modulation;