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CCMP93-RD-011 中醫舌診在電子病歷系統之作業標準研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:98-12-10
  • 更新時間:106-06-13



Standard procedure for TCM tongue diagnosis in e-Hospital

Hen-Hong Chang
Chang-Gung Memirial Hospital
The tongue Diagnosis Machine has got to a satisfied level in stability and repeatability, so we will use it to record the professional experience of tongue diagnosis.
We collect the patients’ picture of tongue from Chang Gung Memorial Hospital by the corrected and stablized Mactonish computer and digital camera. These pictures will be diagnosed by 4 or 5 professionals, and the areas with specific meanings in Traditional Chinese Medicine of tongue and coating color will be selected . We will calculate and record these data, and use them as reference, to educate and for studying.
Proceeding with the previous program on “Training of difference of color”, this year, we will collect more doctors’ data and analyze with their clinical reading of tongue.
Preparing for the electricalization of sheet in clinical, we will make a further correction to correspond more with the clinical requirements.
關鍵字:tongue diagnosis