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CCMP93-RD-017 中醫藥療效評估之文獻研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:99-05-21
  • 更新時間:106-06-13


中國醫學傳承至今已經有幾千年的歷史。最近十幾年來,世界各國對於傳統醫學日趨重視。世界衛生組織於2002年5月發表 「2002-2005世界衛生組織傳統醫學策略」「WHO TRADITIONAL MEDICINE STRATEGY 2002-2005」,WHO鼓勵各國將傳統醫學納入現有醫療政策體系中,促進傳統醫學療效評估與安全性之研究,並將透過提供技術指南確保傳統醫學療法被適當、安全且有效地使用。療效是中醫藥發展的重要基礎與保證,隨著世界各國對於傳統醫藥日趨重視,中醫藥療效評估之文獻也越來越多分別發表在國際上的各類期刊中,本研究將以美國國家醫學圖書館(National Library of Medicine, NLM)提供每週更新的PubMed (Medline + PreMedline)資料庫所列的期刊為主,內容分為針灸與中藥兩大類別,然後再依照不同的生理系統之疾病分類來整理針灸或中藥的實證醫學的療效評估。將這些國際文獻作一有系統的回顧研究與資料整理,讓重要的中醫藥療效評估相關文獻中文化,除了可與WHO所發表「傳統醫學策略」相呼應,加強中醫藥相關研究人員的國際觀,並將有利於中醫政策之推展。

A Literary Review of Curative Effects on Traditional Chinese Medicine

JG Lin
China Medical University
Traditional Medicine has several thousand years history of practice. For the past decade, the value of Traditional Medicine has been increasing recognized in the world. According to a new World Health Organisation (WHO) strategy 「WHO TRADITIONAL MEDICINE STRATEGY 2002-2005」 launched on 16 May in 2002, it promoted that countries must integrate Traditional Medicine into their national existing health care systems. WHO also asked governments to evaluate the curative effects of Traditional Medicine and by developing policies to regulate alternative medical practices to make it safer to their people. Efficacy of Traditional Medicine is the crucial basis and promise of its development. Many clinical trials have been conducted all over the world to evaluate the effectiveness of Traditional Medicine; however, much of the information is incomprehensible to Tradition Chinese doctors. A systematic literature review of Evidence-Based curative effects of Traditional Medicine will be undertaken
關鍵字:traditional medicine、acupuncture、moxibustion、curative effects、Evidence-Based、literacy review