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CCMP93-RD-018 海峽兩岸中醫高等教育之比較研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:99-08-20
  • 更新時間:106-06-13


回顧國內中醫高等教育,可追溯至民國47年所成立之中國醫葯學院,首度將中國傳統醫學正式納入正規高等學院教育,其於民國55年成立中醫學系;大陸自改革開放以來,中醫高等教育得到了很大的發展,學有專精之老中醫集專家學者亦為數眾多。過去海峽兩岸隔絕,不相往來,故雖同為中華民族,有著共同文化背景,且屬同一性質之教育事業,但各自開始,各自發展,內容是否相同,差異究竟如何?頗值得探討。 加入WTO不僅為中醫高等教育的全球化提供了空間,也為調整人才培養結構、優化中醫院校教育結構和專業結構提供了更為廣闊的發展空間和機遇;社會對中醫的需求日益增加,為適應這些變化海峽兩岸都在探索新的教育模式。要深化中醫教育改革,不僅應總結我國中醫高等教育發展的正反二面經驗,同時也要研究、學習及引進大陸中醫教育的成功和失敗經驗,為我國中醫教育的進一步改革提供借鏡。本研究既能促進海峽兩岸人民對中醫高等教育之了解,亦有政策及學術上之重要性。本研究採用文獻探討分析法、實地訪問法、比較研究法:貝瑞岱(George Bereday)的區域比較模式(area comparative studies)、專家座談法:資料係以德菲爾普查法(Delphi Survey)蒐集,並進行分析;較具體的結果,則是以情節推導法(scenario writing)進行。

A copmparative study on Chinese medicine education in Taiwan and Mainland China

Sun, Mao-Feng
Chang-Gung Memirial Hospital
The advanced Chinese medicine education in Taiwan can be traced back to 1958, when the traditional Chinese medicine discipline first time included in the formal advanced education system. In 1966, the first Chinese medicine department was founded. China’s advanced Chinese medicine education has developed greatly since liberalization and produced large number of well-experienced practitioners. For the past years, there are no interchanges across the straits even with the same cultural backgrounds. Each Chinese medicine education system evolved separately. It is a worthy study to compare the education content’s difference between Taiwan and Mainland China.Joining WTO helps spread the knowledge of Chinese medicine globally and improves the quality of manpower in this field. As the society requires more and more application from Chinese medicine, both sides across the straits need to update the educational methods.To deepen the reform of Chinese medicine education, we need to take
關鍵字:comparative education,chinese medicine education