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CCMP93-RD-019 急性期缺血性腦中風中醫證候與西醫診察指標相關性的研究(2-1)

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:99-10-01
  • 更新時間:106-06-13



The study of the correlation between the patterns of Chinese medicine and the diagnostic factors of Western medicine in acute ischemic stroke(2-1)

Lin Chien-Hsiung
Chang-Gung Memirial Hospital
Stroke in ancient China was originally called "sudden stroke" (卒中), on account of its sudden occurrence. It earliest extant appearance in 
literature is found in the Huang Di Nei Jing. Over the centuries, Chinese physicians have contributed numerous ideas and discoveries on the subject 
of this disease. Before the Tang and Song, the disease was explained in terms of "external wind;" after that period it was explained in terms of 
"internal wind." Later, Zhang Jing-Yue claimed that "wind strike is not wind," but due to other causes. To this day, famous physicians have held 
different opinions about stroke. According to statistics, since 1982, stroke holds second position in the top ten fatal diseases of Taiwan. 
However, Chinese medicines pattern identification scheme for the disease is still not clear. In 1994, the Administrative Bureau for Chinese 
Medicine of China issued a "Diagnostic Criteria for Wind Strike." After clinical evaluation, these criteria have proven to have t
關鍵字:ischemic stroke,pattern,correlation