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CCMP93-RD-020 建構中醫護理紀錄模式

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:93-06-13
  • 更新時間:109-02-18



Establishment of Nursing record in TCM

chen lei hua
Taipei Municipal Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine
our traditional medicine,it is affirmed by the people。The government afforded the Chinese medicine clinic from 1995,and provided admission service from 1998。But as far to now,we do not have a coincident nursing assessment tool and nursing record form,the medical personnel can not communicate well each other。 We will invite professionals to revise the nursing assessment and record which we use now based on the Chinese medicine theory。Then,we provide on-job education,the nurses will be familiar with the new form。During application period,we have to discuss with the professionals and nurses,and maybe revise the assessment and record。Finally,we will assess the nurse‘ ability on application and satisfication to the new form。 We hope the establishment of nursing assessment and record will promote the communication between medical personnel and service quality。
關鍵字:admission service,nursing record