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CCMP93-RD-027 台灣中醫護理技術標準之建構與評值

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:100-04-21
  • 更新時間:106-06-13


為建構中醫護理人員護理技術標準及提升中醫護理照護品質,本研究目的為1)了解目前台灣中醫護理人員臨床上最常執行之10項中醫護理技術;2) 建構台灣之中醫護理技術標準流程。本研究設計為描述性研究,以中部某一醫學中心之所有中醫護理人員為研究對象。本研究工具為兩部分,一為自擬之半結構式訪談指引與中醫護理人員之基本屬性問卷表;二為自擬之專家問卷調查評值量表。資料收集後會以SPSS 10.0的中文版進行資料建檔,以描述性統計分析,包括個位數、平均值、百分比、比值進行中醫護理技術標準項目之排序及中醫護理人員之基本資料分析,而專家問卷調查之評值結果則以4分法來決定中醫護理技術標準流程項目內容是否保留、修改或刪除。

Development and Evaluation of Traditional Chinese Medicine for Nursing Standard Procedure in Taiwan

Chuang,Shu Ting
Institute of Nursing
In order to establish nursing standard procedures for Chinese medicine nurses and to improve the quality of nursing care of Chinese medicine; the purposes of this study are 1) to understand the 10 most currently common used nursing procedures of Chinese medicine in Taiwan, and 2) to establish the nursing standard procedures of Chinese medicine in Taiwan. The design will be descriptive recruiting all nurses from a Chinese medicine unit of a medical center in central Taiwan. Two instruments will be used in this study. One is a semi-interview guide that will be developed by researchers and nurses’ demographics. Another is an expert evaluation survey questionnaire. After data collection, Data will be analyzed using the Statistical Package of SPSS for Window 10.0 Chinese version, Chicago, IL. A descriptive analysis including number, mean, percentage, and rank will be used to analyze the ranking of the nursing procedures of Chinese medicine and nurses’ demographics. The results of the ex
關鍵字:Chinese medicine, Nursing, Nursing standard procedures