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CCMP93-RD-039 祭祀用線香使用中藥材之調查研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:93-12-31
  • 更新時間:109-02-18


香在中國人心目中是一項非常重要的精神工具,先民們期望能藉著裊裊香煙搭起人神之間溝通的橋樑。除了宗教用途,很多人喜歡在書房燒一點沉香,或是直接燒沉木粉、沉片,既有薰香的效果,沉香特有的安定氣味,更能幫助修心。甚至喝茶時,燃一柱香,內外皆清心。製香的主要材料為竹枝(香腳)、香劑、黏著劑、著色劑等。線香之使用雖與中醫藥無直接關聯,然而其中之主要原料「香劑」常為中藥材,如沈香、檀香、白芷、川芎、獨活、甘松、山柰、丁香、藿香、蒿本、高良薑、八角茴香、小茴香、連翹、大黃、柏葉、黃芩、肉桂、丹皮、陳皮、排草、當歸、春花(辛夷)、甘草、降真香等。不管沈香、檀香或藥料都是中藥材,製香廠所用的中藥材其中部份品項之使用量遠超過醫療使用量(如沉香、檀香等),因此行政院衛生署中醫藥委員會認為對這些製香業者使用中藥原料之現況有必要加以了解,因此列入該會九十三年度研究重點。本研究將赴台灣各地線香販售店及製香廠進行訪察,並收集各式香品,探討各地線香製作之原料及使用中藥材之頻率,了解線香使用中藥材之品項情況,並將收集之線香以薄層層析法(Thin Layer Chromatography)進行檢測,並以中藥材進行比對,以確認所收集資料之正確性。計畫中亦將線香使用中藥材之品項加以整理分類,進行其效用及毒性文獻考察,對於線香所含中藥材進行統計,以為中藥藥政參考。

Investigation of Chinese Crude Drugs Used in Chinese Incense

Yu-Ling, Ho
Hong Kuang University
The essential elements of joss stick include bamboo stick, incense, sticking bark powder and colorant agents. Even though the use of joss stick do not have anything to do with Chinese medicine, however, the incense used comprised many fragrant Chinese crdue drugs such as: Lignum Aquilariae Resinatum, Lignum Santali Albi, Radix Angelicae Dahuricae, Rhizoma Chuanxiong, Radix Angelicae Pubescentis, Radix seu Rhizoma Nardostachyos, Rhizoma Kaempferiae, Flos Caryophylli, Herba Pogostenons/ Herba Agastaches, Rhizoma Ligustici, Rhizoma Alpiniae Officinarum, Fructus Anisi Stellati, Fructus Foeniculi, Fructus Forsythiae, Radix et Rhizoma Rhei, Cacumen Platycladi, Radix Scutellariae, Cortex Cinnamomi, Cortex Moutan, Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae, Radix Angelicae Sinensis, Flos Magnoliae, Radix Glycyrrhizae, Lignum Dalbergiae Odoriferae etc.. The quantity of agalwood, santawood and many fragrant Chinese crude drugs used in incense industry far exceed the quantity used in Chinese medicine. The Co
關鍵字:Joss stick, Chinese crdue drugs, Agalwood, Santawood Joss stick is a very important mental tool in Chinese community. Ancient Chinese expected to communicate with God in an atmosphere of burning incense. Besides religious purposes, many people like to burn agalwood or joss stick when they are reading or drinking tea calm down the spirit and yielding a pleasant peace of mind.