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CCMP93-RD-041 台灣市售阿魏之指紋圖分析與活性成分之研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:93-10-16
  • 更新時間:112-08-08


阿魏是傘形科阿魏屬(Ferula L.)植物的總稱,其藥性味辛、苦,性溫。歸肝、脾、胃經。能化癥消積,殺蟲,截瘧。主治癥瘕痞瘸,蟲積,食積,胸腹脹滿,冷痛,瘧疾,痢疾。過去對中國產的阿魏屬植物僅有極少的植物成分分析報導。由於台灣市售阿魏皆由中國大陸進口,對於其基原及品質瞭解甚淺。故本計畫將進行台灣市售阿魏的基原調查及指紋圖譜的建立。應用1H-NMR與HPLC兩種儀器進行兩階段的指紋圖譜的鑑定分析。依照分析結果對市售阿魏進行分類,並建立出標準的指紋圖鑑定分析程序,以期能拓展阿魏的藥用資源。

The studies of fingerprints and bioactive constitutes of resina Ferulae in Taiwan.

Fang-Rong Chang
Kaohsiung Medicine University
A-wei is a common name of crude drugs origined from genus Ferula L. (Apiaceae family). It has bitter and pungent tastes and a warm property, acting on the liver, spleen and stomach channels in traditional Chinese medical thearpy. It has the functions in anti-edema, insecticide, and anti-marlaria, anti- dysentery, painkiller, eliminating the full feelings of digestion system. Previously, few phytochemical studies were reported on Chinese Ferula species. In Taiwan, most A- wei crude drugs were imported from Mainland China. The understanding on the original plants and the quality of A-wei was poor. Therefore, we want to investigate the market survey on the originals of A-wei in Taiwan, and establish the fingerprints analysis for taxonomic studies and quality control. 1H-NMR and HPLC will applied to bulid the standard procedure for fingerprint analyses. The project aims to improve the medicinal usage of A-wei.
關鍵字:Ferula,fingerprints,1H-NMR,HPLC,active compounds