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CCMP93-RD-061 台灣地區台北區中醫師醫療院所感染管理控制研究計劃

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:93-02-17
  • 更新時間:109-02-18


(壹)落實中醫醫院之院內感染控制:1.成立院內感染管制委員會;2.設立發燒篩檢崗哨及發燒病患處理;3. 院內全體員工(含外包工作人員)健康及體溫監測;4.齊全個人防護裝備;5. 洗手設備、醫療廢棄物處理、消毒鍋等硬體設施;6.落實防疫物資分級庫存之查核措施及執行;7. 落實防疫物資分級庫存之查核措施及執行;8.針扎之處理;9. 危機處理。



關鍵字:院內感染控制 中醫醫院

Infection control Index of Chinese Medical Institutions Plan in Taipei Area

Jenq Jenn Horng
Taipei Municipal Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Infection control Index of Chinese Medical Institutions Plan in Taipei Area
According to the data of WHO, there were 8098 victims (including 774 deaths) of SARS during the outbreak in 2003. The Influenza, AIV and other infectious diseases also come on and are supposed to threaten the human life in the near future. 「Chinese Medical institution infection control program in Taiwan」 was then proposed by the Health Department.
Objective: Building up the health promotion net work system to prevent the outbreak of infectious diseases.
(1)、Consolidate the nosocomial infection control measures:
1.nosocomial infection control committee
2.fever screen and management
3.equipment and outfit
4.waste disposal
5.safety storage of necessary materials
6.crisis management 
(2)、Education and Training: increase the awareness of infectious diseases through lectures and on-site practices.
(3)、Set up infection control reporting system to inform the health departments immediately.
(4)、Edit and write to Infection control manual
關鍵字:Nosocomial infection control, Chinese Medicine hospital Infection Control