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CCMP93-RD-068 衛生署中醫藥委員會組織定位與組織改造之探討

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:93-04-20
  • 更新時間:109-02-18


2002年,世界衛生組織(WHO)在瑞士日內瓦召開的第55屆世界衛生大會中,首度發表了史上第一份且長達80頁之劃時代的傳統暨替代醫學的全球策略 - 2002~2005年傳統醫藥全球策略,策略中明白指出,建請全球所有國家調整、採行及實施WHO的傳統醫藥策略,除了作為國家傳統醫藥計畫之基礎外更應該納入該國醫療政策;而WHO將協助會員國制定實施傳統醫學的政策、建立傳統藥物的質量和危害性的資料庫,以確保傳統醫學的安全與功效性。
本研究之研究方法為先進行相關文獻探討,瞭解世界各國之中醫藥之發展現況與管理方式,並且對於WHO發表之「2002-2005年傳統醫學策略」報告內容瞭解、整理之後針對國內之中醫藥發展現況與管理進行分析與比較,並將相關文獻整理後之結論與我國中醫藥之現況與處境加以比較,利用SWOT分析,為國家發展中醫藥提出最佳策略的建言;舉行專家座談(Expert panel),彙整以上之相關文獻與策略分析,提供與會專家參閱,並提出建議;同時彙整以上各方資料設計問卷,對具有組織定位或組織改造、政策制定等相關背景之專家學者、中醫師代表、中藥師代表及政府相關部門代表進行問卷調查,再進行問卷結果的分析與討論。期盼藉由本研究之研究結果能夠對我國相關中醫藥政策的制訂、中醫藥的國際化與中醫藥委員會組織定位與組織改造提出最佳的建議。

Exploring the organization orientation and organization restructure of the Committee on Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy CCMP

Yung Hsein Chang
China Medical University
In 2002, WHO announced “The world traditional medicine strategy, 2002-2005” at the 55th world health meeting of the Geneva. It pointed out clearly that every country should adopt and practice the WHO traditional medicine strategy, and fit it into the national health policy. WHO will help the members establish their traditional medicine strategy and create the data set of quality, quantity, and harmfulness of traditional herbs to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the traditional medicine.
WHO estimates the market value of the traditional medicine will be US$60 billions and will continuously increase. It was reported that 70% Canadian, 49% French, 48% Australia, 42% American, and 31% Belgium have received the therapies of the traditional medicine. In Germany, 77% of general hospitals have recommended the patients to treat the pain by the acupuncture. 
In Taiwan, Chinese traditional medicine is a common medical resource for civilian. Under supervision of Government, Taiwan has be
關鍵字:WHO;organization orientation;organization restructure