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CCMP93-RD-101 藥用植物之開發與種原之保存(4-4)

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:93-06-02
  • 更新時間:109-02-18


為配合行政院衛生署中醫藥委員會加強藥用植物資源開發研究與建立藥用植物種原庫之政策,本計畫93年度之實施項目主要分成下列七項:1. 不同地區藥園之建立;2.藥用植物種原庫之建立;3.藥用植物資料庫之建立;4.藥用植物之引進與高經濟植物之開發;5.藥用植物之繁殖與組培技術之建立;6.藥用植物GAP之建立。93年度擬進行150種藥用植物之引種、繁殖與評估工作,此外,將在本所建立藥用與保健植物種原庫一處,種子及無性繁殖苗將進行長期保存。種原庫內分成長期庫、中期庫及短期庫三區,個別之保存條件為長期庫-12 + 2 0C及30 + 3 % RH,中期庫-2+ 2 0C及 40+ 3% RH,短期庫 10 + 2 0C及 40 + 3 % RH。

Development of Medicinal Plants and Preservation of Their Germplasms(4-4)

Lin, Chien-Yih
Agriculture Research Institute
In accordance with the mission of the Committee on Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy, Department of Health, Executive Yuan, Republic of China, to develop and utilize medicinal plants and to preserve medicinal genetic resources in Taiwan, Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute (TARI) has strengthened on the collection and preservation of medicinal plant germplasms. Propagation and then the investigation of characteristics, yield and utilization potentiality of these materials are continuously in progress. A total of 150 species will be collected, observed, evaluated and conserved in seed banks, in vitro culture genebanks, and field genebanks at TARI in this year. After cultivation of the collected medicinal plants on field nursery at TARI, processed seeds are sent to the storage area, including the short-term room, medium-term room, and long-term room, with storage conditions of 10 + 2 OC and 40 + 3% RH, -2 + 2 OC and 40 + 3% RH, and -12 + 2 OC and 30 + 3% RH, respectively.
關鍵字:Medicinal Plants,Germplasm preservation,Database