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CCMP101-RD-027 中醫住院納入健保可行性評估

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-08
  • 更新時間:106-06-12



A feasibility study of Chinese medicine inpatient admissions reimbursed by the National Health Insurance in Taiwan

Che-Ming Yang
Taipei Medical University
Taiwan had implemented the Naitonal Health Insurance (NHI) for 16 years since the March of 1995. The initial design only included outpatient visits for Chinese medicine. Due to the lack of consensus on what should be included and reimbursed for Chinese medicine inpatients, the NHI has not approved of benefits for Chinese medicine inpatient admissions after so many years. As a result, there are outcries to the effect that patients are shortchanged and there are adverse influcnces on the clinical services and teachings of Chinese medicine. Therefore, this study aims at assessing the feasibility of incorporating Chinese medicine inpatient admissions into the NHI benefits.
At present, there are 36 Chinese medicine hospitals, 67 Chinese medicine departments in general hospitals and over 2,800 Chinese medicine clinics in Taiwan. The treatments provided are primarily outpatient based and people hardly have inpatient experiences in Chinese medicine. Although the NHI has not reimbursed Chinese medicine inpatient admissions, we are not completely void of Chinese medicine inpatient beds. A few hospitals do allow Chinese medicine inpatient admissions, but the occupancy rates are low. The major reason is lack of the NHI reimbursement for Chinese medicine inpatients. Due to the care seeking behavior shaped by the NHI, patieints hardly choose to hospitalize for treatments out of their own pockets.
Due to the problem of aging in Taiwan, Chinese medicine is well situated to distinguish itself by showcasing its capability in health promotion, antiaging and chronic care, and in increasing quality of life. The establishment of Chinese medicine inpatient admissions could be beneficial to the development of Chinese medicine. With inpatients, physicians can have a more global understanding of the natural courses of diseases and more close observations of the efficacy of Chinese medicine so as to accumulate empirical evidences for Chinese medicine and strenghten the tranings of Chinese medicine physisicans. Chinese medicine inpatient admissions will require team work to provide state of the art care, which includes diagnoses and prescriptions from physicians, special medication regimens developed by Chinese medicine pharmacists, specialized nursing care provided by Chinese medicine nurses, herbal medicine based diets developed by nutritionists, and the integrated framework excuted by the administrative staff.
This study will start with both domestic and international lietraute reviews. The seond step is to conduct expert meetings in which relevant experts will be invited to discuss the possible avenues for Chinese medicine to have inpatients reimbursed by the NHI. Lastly, we will come up with a tentative plan and reimbursement packages based upon the past experiences of the NHI for future policy consideration.
關鍵字:Chinese medicine inpatients, National Health Insurance, benefits, reimbursement