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CCMP101-RD-025 建構中西醫合作治療癌症研究平台(2-1)

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-08
  • 更新時間:106-06-12


隨著西方醫學科技的進步,明確診斷與治療的方針已經成為全世界上癌症防治上的共識 (NCCN 癌症治療共識)。但是癌症病患因治療期間所產生的副作用,已經嚴重地影響到病患的生活品質,也造成全球補充替代療法(complimentary and alternative medicine, CAM)或整合醫學盛行的趨勢。然而由於文化國情的不同,在台灣中醫並不是補充另類療法,而是有教育制度及法規的正式醫療。如何結合現代醫學與傳統中醫的菁華,應用於癌症的治療,是一重要且極待解決的課題。
隨著時代的進步,癌症病患對治療期中所需要的支持與幫助,都有極高的期待與盼望。因此只要經過科學驗証的整合醫療方法,都應該被納入正規的醫療體系。本計劃所提的中心思想,乃是藉著中醫與與現代醫學互補,找到具有實證(evidence-based),又對病人較無傷害(favorable benefit/risk ratio) 的癌症治療方針,以期在未來能對癌症病人找到最具成本效益的中西醫合作治療照護的常規模式。

Platform establishment of integrative Chinese-Western medical treatment for cancer patients (2-1)

Fang-Pey Chen
There is consensus that cancer treatment in modern medicine or Western medicine follows the generally accepted NCCN guideline. However, cancer patients seek complementary & alternative medicine (CAM) to relieve their discomfort or mental stress induced by modern medicine. Nevertheless, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), by definition, is not CAM in Taiwan. How to integrate TCM and modern medicine in treatment of caner patients remains a challenging problem and an important issue in Taiwan.
The aims of this 2-year project are to establish a platform for integrated TCM and Western medicine (ICWM, denoted as IM) in treatment of cancer patients. In the first year, the aim is to establish a platform for IM cancer treatment for out-patient clinics, while in the second year, it is to establish a platform for IM cancer treatment for in-patient service by consultation.
In both first and second year, there are three directions in this proposal, namely, clinical-, teaching-, and academic ones. On clinical aspect, a platform for both TCM and modern medicine doctors to care a cancer patient will be established, which is based on a common language from patient’s chief complaints and a definite diagnosis provided by an international ICD-9 code, followed by treatment plans proposed by each specialists. On teaching aspect, education programs in TCM will provided for those medical and paramedical personnel. On research aspect, a clinical observation study under the approval of IRB will be conducted to evaluate the benefit and adverse effects of IM treatment in cancer patients.
The results of this 2-year project will provide an impact on TCM and modern medicine doctores and also provide an evidence-based health care for those patients with different cancers in Taiwan.
關鍵字:cancer, Chinese medicine, integrative medicine, evidence-based