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CCMP101-RD-015 臺灣本土藥用植物闊葉麥門冬與臺灣油點草之研究與開發

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-07
  • 更新時間:106-06-12


中草藥之開發應用已是全球趨勢,臺灣地域位置特殊,具有豐富的生物多樣性,為開發藥用植物來源之一大優勢。本研究選用臺灣灣本土藥用植物闊葉麥門冬(Liriope platyphylla)與臺灣油點草(Tricyrtis formosana),以生物活性導引分離法,利用管柱層析與高效能液相層析儀(HPLC)等分離技術,搭配現有之細胞毒殺、鎮痛、抗發炎與抗B型肝炎病毒等篩選平臺,尋找具有上述生物活性之有效成分,同時建立完整化學成分與生物活性指紋圖譜,監控藥材品質;對於瀕臨絕種之油點草屬也將嘗試組織培養的方式復育,並且比對成分差異。此計畫除可證實該兩株植物民間傳統用藥之功效,也可做為往後先導藥物開發之基礎。進而提供健康食品或藥物開發品質管制之依據,以提供臺灣特有藥用植物資源之開發參考。

Studies and developments on Formosan endemic medicinal plants, Liriope platyphylla and Tricyrtis formosana

Yang-Chang Wu
School of Chinese Medicine, China Medical University
The development and application of Chinese herbal medicines have become a worldwide trend. The distinctive geographical features and biodiversity of Taiwan make a superior advantage for the R&D of Chinese herbal medicine. This research project focuses on finding active compounds of cytotoxic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti-hepatitis B virus activities from Liriope platyphylla and Tricyrtis formosana via bioassay-guided fractionation by using column chromatography and HPLC etc. Chemical and biological fingerprints of L. platyphylla and T. formosana will be built up and used to establish the standard of quality control for Chinese herbal medicines. Tissue culture to the rare species will be also initiated and made comparison between different Tricyrtis genera in chemical composition. This project could verify the pharmacological mechanisms and prove the effectiveness of these two plants, and apply the evidences as the foundation of new drug leads. The result will be the base for the standard of quality control for healthy food and new drug as well as provide with reference in the discovery of Formosan medicinal plants.
關鍵字:Liliaceae;Liriope platyphylla;Tricyrtis formosana;Chinese herbal medicines;Cytotoxicity;Anti-inflammatory;Hepatitis B virus;Analgesia;Gender analysis