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CCMP100-RD-101 台灣紫蘇與薑黃之有機GAP栽培模式研究(2-2)

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-07-05
  • 更新時間:106-06-12


本研究目的在建立台灣紫蘇(Perilla frutescens(L.)Britt.)與薑黃(Curcuma longa L.)有機GAP栽培規範。蒐集珍貴紫蘇與薑黃植物種原,鑑定其正品基原,研發紫蘇與薑黃健康種苗繁殖技術。將有機農業與全球優良農業操作規範 (Global Good Agriculture Practice,GLOBAL GAP)導入台灣中藥生產栽培管理系統,嚴格控管以提昇藥材品質,建立台灣紫蘇與薑黃有機GAP栽培模式與規範。評估篩選適合台灣氣候環境栽培之紫蘇與薑黃種原,規劃建立台灣紫蘇與薑黃有機GAP生產栽培基地範本,以確保在台灣生產無污染、高品質之紫蘇與薑黃藥材原料。相關結果將編撰台灣紫蘇與薑黃有機GAP栽培、採收加工技術手冊,提供台灣相關藥用植物研究單位與業者之參考。
研究計畫分二年期進行,第一年計畫擬蒐集紫蘇與薑黃中藥基原植物以建立台灣紫蘇與薑黃種源。將所蒐集之紫蘇與薑黃種原進行基原鑑定,調查其型態與生育習性,研究其健康種苗繁殖與栽培技術。第二年計畫擬進行紫蘇與薑黃田間有機栽培試驗。將有機與 GAP導入紫蘇與薑黃生產栽培與採收加工上,以建立台灣中藥有機與 GAP栽培模式。此外將規劃建立台灣紫蘇與薑黃有機與GAP栽培模式示範田區,並編撰台灣紫蘇與薑黃有機 GAP栽培技術手冊,以供台灣相關中藥研究單位與業者之參考。邀請中藥領域相關研究專家學者與業者辦理台灣紫蘇與薑黃有機 GAP栽培模式觀摩會,將台灣中藥有機GAP栽培研究成果推廣應用於實際生產。本計畫之執行,預期將有助於未來推動台灣中藥有機與Global GAP栽培,並建立中藥安全、無污染生產模式。提升台灣紫蘇與薑黃藥材之品質與產量,並對台灣中草藥產業之健全發展,具有指標性與建設性的意義與價值。

Study on making a regulation consulting platform and reorganizing regulations on Chinese medicines(2-2)

Chen, Hsien-Tang
Quality Improvement for Pharmaceutical Affairs Association, Taiwan
The purpose of this project is to maintain the safety for the Chinese medicine usage through an effective regulatory advisory system, and to develop appropriate management mechanisms and regulations. This project integrates the administrative and legal resources, forming a task force of consultation regarding regulations of TCM from different backgrounds including medical, pharmaceutical and legislation specialists. The task force offers legal opinions and consulting corresponding to legal cases that CCMP submits and legal issues related to TCM that proposed by the industry. In this study, we will collect and sort out the regulations and explanations related to TCM of Taiwan and TCM regulations of the USA, European Union, Japan and Mainland China. Appropriate regulations and amendment will be proposed for policy-making reference.
The established draft of guideline for management of radiative sterilization for Chinese medicine and the related draft amendments to the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law will be be reviewed in a public seminar involved with Chinese medical, pharmaceutical, legislation experts. The draft amendment clauses will be formulated and then made recommendations to CCMP.
關鍵字:safety medicine usage、regulation consulting、radiative sterilization