常見疾病中醫證型診斷基準之研究(3-3):慢性B型、C型肝炎中醫證型診斷基準之研究 高尚德中國醫藥學 |
中醫藥治療疾病具有豐富的經驗與優越之臨床療效,中醫藥臨床試驗之大量執行勢在必行,在研讀中醫藥臨床論文及臨床病例時,常遇見一個難題,各研究論文所列之證型並不一致,更甚者證型之診斷標準亦不相同,因此,在進行中醫藥臨床研究前,建立一套客觀具共通性的證型分類及證型之診斷基準是首要的工作,本計劃即以建立臨床常見之疾病:慢性B型肝炎,慢性C型肝炎、糖尿病、骨質疏鬆症之客觀實用及正確的問卷量化表,證型分類與各證型之診斷基準為目標,提供全國醫療學術單位從事中醫藥治療此四種疾病之證型診斷標準。本整合型計劃自90年7月20日開始,至92年12月31日止,依研究執行進度已完成前二年之進度未來一年將繼續建立量化標準及完成問卷設計及進行臨床研究 | |
關鍵字:中醫證型、診斷基準、慢性B型肝炎、慢性C型肝炎、糖尿病、骨質疏鬆症 |
The study of diagnostic standards of Chinese medical patterns on common diseases (two of the three)- The study of diagnostic standards of Chinese medical patterns on viral hepatitis B and viral hepatitis C. Kao Shung-TeChina medical college |
There are detailed descriptions of the clinical experience and prescription of disease in Chinese traditional medicine. Clinical trail of Chinese traditional medicine will be largely performed in future. In this research, We try to set up the diagnostic standard of Chinese medical patterns on four common disease-viral hepatitis B, viral hepatitis C, diabetic mellitus, and osteoporosis in order to offer the diagnostic standard of Chinese medical patterns in clinical trail on these four diseases. | |
關鍵字:Chinese medical patterns, diagnostic standard, viral hepatitis B, viral hepatitis C, diabetic mellitus and osteoporosis |