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CCMP92-RD-039 包裝與存放對白芍、赤芍和延胡索之品質影響的研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:92-08-26
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


中藥材主要由生長在特定自然環境下之植物、動物及礦物群組成,中藥材自產地形成後及進入包裝、儲藏、運輸,直到消費使用。不同種類的中藥材,具有不同的特性,有的須防潮,有的須防壓,有的須避光,對包裝的要求也有所不同,此外中藥材的儲存上,因受周圍環境及自然條件等因素的影響,易有黴爛、蟲蛀、變色、氾油等現象,導致藥材變質。因此,正確的包裝方法及儲存條件,對保障藥材品質安全、穩定、有效,具有重要作用。 本計劃在探討中藥材之適當包裝方式,選定中藥材白芍、赤芍語延胡索作為研究之品項,並選擇此藥材於三種不同包裝方式(空箱、真空包裝、真空包裝後照射加馬射線照射)進行架藏,在架藏0、1、3、6個月後進行檢測,檢測項目包括化學指標性成分之變化、生菌數及黴菌數的增生情形、五種α-toxin(B1、B2、G1、G2、M1)的含量,綜合上述之評估方法找尋並評估最適當之有效包裝及條件。

The effect of packing and storage conditions on the quality of Radix Paeoniae and Rhizoma Corydalis

Shaw-Yun Wu
Pharmaceutical Industry Technology and Development Center
The Chinese herbs originate from different locations, there is a wide variety in the quality of components from the same species. The quality of each herb is affected by its location and packing, storage, transportation conditions. Among these factos, microbial contarmination is the major determinant for the quality. For improving the quality of Chinese during storage, we plane to study the packing and storage effect on the Radix Paeoniae and Rhizoma Corydalis. In this program, the Radix Paeoniae and Rhizoma Corydalis will be group into no packed, vaccum packed, and vaccum packed plus gamma-irradiation, and be left at 4oC or room temperature for 0, 1, 3, 6 months. We will examine the Radix Paeoniae and Rhizoma Corydalis form different packing condition at its chemical components, microbial conatrmination and toxin content at each time intervals.
關鍵字:Chinese crude drug,marker constituent,packing and storage