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CCMP92-RD-001 噁心嘔吐之臨床療效評估及其自律神經機制之探討

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:92-08-26
  • 更新時間:109-04-06



Clinical evaluation of postoperative nausea and vomiting in the patients with minor gynecological laparoscopic surgery by acupuncturing Neiguan and evaluate the mechanism of autonomic nervous system

Sheng Teng Huang
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital
In the past two decades, Dundee and his co-workers concluded that acupuncture at Neiguan (P6) had the effect to prevent nausea and vomiting. However, there were both opposite opinions in several studies whether acupuncture at P6 had the effect to prevent nausea and vomiting or not. In general, most of studies considered that acupuncture at P6 could have a good treatment in nausea and vomiting induced by post operation, post chemotherapy, first trimester and migraine etc. The application of acupuncture in clinics is economic and saves. Therefore, how to approve the effect of acupuncture at P6 to prevent nausea and vomiting is necessary. It is not only to prevent the side effect induced by pharmacological drugs but also to save the unnecessary waste in medical sources. In the past clinical studies, they just mentioned about the effect of acupuncture at P6, but not pinpoint out the real mechanism of acupuncture at P6 in prevention of nausea and vomiting. The aim of this study is following
關鍵字:acupuncture, Neiguan (P6), gynecological laparoscope, heart rate variability