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CCMP91-RD-101 傳統中藥材骨碎補臨床療效之研究(3/3)

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:91-08-26
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


傳統中藥材骨碎補為生長於全省山地之附生性多年生蕨類植物,主要藥用部分為根莖。根據本草綱目卷二十之記載,骨碎補性苦、溫而無毒,主治破血、止血和補傷折,本省民間則用以治骨折、固筋和補腎 。雖然骨碎補是民間常用之中藥材,然而有關骨碎補之生物醫學研究卻相當缺乏。
骨質疏鬆症屬於全身系統性的疾病,是種身體骨骼組織加速流損的症狀,導因於骨頭質量的減少(low bone mass)及骨頭組織中細微結構的退化,因而造成骨骼內部孔隙增加,呈現中空疏鬆的現象,此疏鬆的骨頭不再有能力承受日常生活所需的身體負荷,引起疼痛、變形、塌陷、甚至骨折。換言之,骨質疏鬆症是指骨頭在質與量方面都下降,且未來屢患脆裂性骨折的機會將大增。骨骼疏鬆症的藥物治療意義,是藉由增加骨頭的質與量,以降低骨質疏鬆症患者發生骨折的機率。
本連續型計畫第二年以年齡大於45歲停經,且其骨質密度低於台灣停經前婦女平均骨質密度2.5個標準差的婦女為樣本,進行臨床雙盲(double blind)、隨機、安慰劑試驗。第三年計畫除將延續第二年計畫,將對已罹患骨質疏鬆症(低於平均骨質密度2.5個標準差)受試者進行更長期的臨床試驗。於臨床試驗期間,將分別針對受試者骨頭指標骨質密度(bone material density;BMD)、血液中骨頭鹼性磷酸酵素(bone alkaline phosphatase;BAP)和尿液中的deoxypyridinoline(DPD)和N-telopeptide of type I collagen(NTx)加以監測分析,以評估骨碎補水抽取物在臨床用藥劑量下,對罹患骨質疏鬆症病人可能產生的臨床療效和副作用。此外對於所用骨碎補藥材,也將依循審查委員之建議,進行是否含phytoestrogen之分析。期待經由此一計劃之執行,對於傳統中醫藥骨碎補在骨質疏鬆症之療效機轉上,有更進一步之瞭解。並透過此一研究,能建立中醫藥在骨科臨床療效評估之模式。

Study of Clinic Effects of Traditional Medicine Davallia orientalis C. Chr (3/3)

1.Hwa-Chang Liu, 2.Ruei-Ming Chen
1.Department of Orhtopedic Surgery, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University; 2.Department of Medicine, Taipei Medical University
Gusuibu is one of the Chinese traditional herbs that has been claimed to have beneficial effects on bone healing, but the clinic effect of the herb is still not well established. Our previous study, ‘Study of biological effects of traditional medicine Gu-Tsuy-Bu on rat osteoblasts’ has shown that low concentration of extract of Gu-Tsuy-Bu has the protective role from hydrogen peroxide-induced damage of rat osteoblasts. Our another project, ‘Study of clinic effects of traditional medicine Gusuibu (1/3)’, reveals that administration of ovariectomized rats with 0.5 and 1.0 g of the water extract of Gusuibu per day for 1 and 2 months was not cytotoxic to the animals. The initial results of bone analysis reveals that the water extract might have the efficacy on the osteoporosis of ovariectomized rats.
Osteoporosis is a common disorder characterized by an increase in bone resorption relative to bone formation, generally in conjunction with an increased rate of bone turnover. The pro
關鍵字:Gusuibu, osteoporosis, clinic effects, bone mineral density