CCMP90-RD-017 『中醫舌診標準化之研究:舌診系統之實驗設計與資料分析』- 中醫藥司 按 Enter 到主內容區
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CCMP90-RD-017 『中醫舌診標準化之研究:舌診系統之實驗設計與資料分析』

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:90-08-27
  • 更新時間:109-04-06



『Standardized Tongue Diagnosis: Experimental Design and Data Analysis』

John Y. Chiang
National Sun Yat-Sen University
Camera calibration routines determine pinhole camera model parameters for an electronic camera by solving the projection equations that relate 3-D world coordinates of features on a target image to the 2-D coordinates of their projected points on the image plane.The color differences in tongue and its surrounding areas are enhanced and discriminated by a contour extraction procedure. Once the boundary of the tongue is located, two primal characteristics utilized in the following fuzzy classification, tongue granularity and smoothness, are extracted. The color, direction, and area of distribution are then derived and employed as features to diagnose diseases.