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CCMP90-RD-002 傷科臨症指引之編寫

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:90-08-27
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


關鍵詞:國際疾病分類、傷科臨症指引 、按摩推拿

Clinical Guide for Traumatological Therapeutics

Lu Shu-Shen
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital
In traditional Chinese medicine, soft tissue injury is treated with “tuina” techniques (massage and manipulation), by bone-setting manipulations, and by the topical application of medicinal pastes. Such treatments are popular among Chinese patients, and are not lacking in objective demonstrations of efficacy. Nevertheless, Chinese medicine offers different approaches, and treatment is not standardized. Since July 2000, the National Insurance Bureau has been operating Chinese outpatients services on a budget system. In order to enhance the quality of Chinese medical traumatology and ensure that patients have clearly defined rights, it would be useful to have a clinical guidebook for traditional Chinese traumatology that would serve as a general reference for the public and as the basis for the National Insurance Bureaus work of monitoring and controlling services provided.

The present study is based mainly on mainland Chinese medicine textbooks, and also draws on litera