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CCMP89-RD-051 灣地區中醫醫院附設長期照護機構可行性之探討

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-04-27
  • 更新時間:106-04-28



The study of the feasibility of the long term care in the Chinese Medical Hospital in Taiwan

Liu, Ching-Shen
Kaohsiung Municipal Chinese Medical hospital
The population aging rapidly, Medical care of chronic disease and problems of elderly become outstanding recently, it also make the long term care become more and more needed at the present.

The purpose of this research is to verify the possibilities of the Traditional Chinese Medical (T.C.M) hospital set forth to establish the long term care facilities. This research will base on the methodology of documents review and on-site visits to collect the information and relative bylaws, professional regulations and associated reports and will visit the long term care facilities and some T.C.M Hospitals all over the northern, median southern and eastern areas of Taiwan .as to analysis and conclude all the dates. 

The conclusion of this research will sufficient to provide valuable assessments for T.C.M Hospitals set forth to establish long term care facilities.

關鍵字:Traditional Chinese Medicine(T.C.M),Chinese Medical hospital, Long Term Care