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CCMP89-RD-017 慢性B型肝炎患者舌下絡脈現代化之研究─並探討合併與未合併肝硬化患者之差異

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:89-08-27
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


中醫理論認為慢B型肝炎乃邪毒外感,肝受邪擾而導致肝病,使肝疏調氣血之職失常,由氣滯發展為血瘀。而血瘀證之舌所見包括舌質青紫或舌體瘀點、瘀斑及舌下絡脈異常等。近年來各醫家對舌下絡脈之診斷已日趨成熟,而對正常人舌下絡脈之觀察結果如下:(1)有93.7%絡脈分支為單支,線2)絡脈長度與舌長度之比值94.3不超過3/5,(3)絡脈寬不超過2.7 mm(4)絡脈不怒張,脈形柔軟。若高於上述之值者,則與血瘀有密切關係。



關鍵字:慢性B型肝炎 舌下絡脈 血瘀

Sings of blood stasis in the sublingual vessels in patients with chronic hepatitis B and liver cirrhosis

Lin Hung-jen 
China Medical College Hospital
Chinese medical theory holds that externally contracted evil toxin can give rise to liver disease, disturbing of the liver’s function of free coursing and regulating qi and blood flow, and causing qi stagnation that develops into blood stasis.

Nowadays, Chinese medical doctors have a lot of improvements in the diagnosis of the sublingual vessels(she xia luo mai).

Blood stasis can be detected in examination of tongue by the presence of green- blue or purple coloration, stasis speckles, stasis macules, and abnormality of the sublingual vessels(she xia luo mai). As to the sublingual vessels, the following facts are generally agreed on: (1)93.7% of the vessels are single branches;(2)94.3% of the vessels have a length that does not exceed three fifths of the length of the tongue;(3)the vessels doe not exceed 2.7mm in width;(4)the vessels are not distended and are supple. Values in excess of the above are attributed to blood stasis.

This study selects the patients’ of the ch
關鍵字:Chronic hepatitis B sublingual vessels blood stasis