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CCMP89-RD-010 電針效應對大白鼠膀胱功能改變之神經機制

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:89-08-27
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


針灸用以治病在中國已歷千年,但因欠缺適當的學理依據,又缺乏良好的科學證明,故仍未能被大眾所接受。本研究的主要目的是觀察電針刺激(Electroacupuncture)四肢穴位對膀胱功能之影響,並探討其可能的神經機制。我們打算用神經生理學的方法進行研究,預定兩年完成。 第一年以麻醉之大白鼠為實驗材料(必要時再以較大型之貓兔等動物作比較)。預定在動物四肢選定適當穴位,用電針作各種不同頻率(3Hz, 30Hz, 300Hz)和不同強度(2xT, 5xT, 10xT, 20xT, 40xT, T為閾值,即引起骨骼肌收縮之最低電流)之電流刺激,並在電針前、中、後同時記錄膀胱壓(Bladder Pressure)及其傳出和傳入神經之活動(Afferent & Efferent Activities),以及膀胱括約肌(External Sphincter Muscles)之肌電圖(Electromyogram)。為了找出最有效的刺激參數,打算將刺激強度和頻率用排列組合之方式測試。 第二年將以清醒之大白鼠為實驗對象,亦即在沒有任何藥物之影響下,觀察電針對膀胱功能之效應。與第一年實驗所不同的是必須在實驗前預先將設計好之導管和電極分別埋入體內適當部位,並待動物復元後,才進行與第一年相同之各種實驗,以便比較和分析其差異。相信經本研究兩年的檢驗和測試後,不但能確定影響膀胱功能的最佳電針刺激參數,而且也相信能進一步澄清其作用機轉。進而對尿失禁之病患或許會有相當的助益。

Neural Mechanisms of Electroacupuncture Effect on the Functional Change of Urinary Bladder in the Rat

Fuh Tzuu-Chinq 
National Taiwan University
Acupuncture has been used to treat various patients in China for thousands of years. But due to the lack of scientific bases and without scientific proof, it is still not acceptable by most people. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of electroacupuncture stimulation of various acupoints on the functional change of the urinary bladder and to clarify its possible neural mechanisms. It is planned to use neurophysiological techniques to conduct this study and hoped to finish it in two years. In the first year, the anesthetized rats will be used (larger animals such as cats, rabbits will also be used if necessary). The appropriate acupoints in all limbs will be stimulated with various frequencies (3, 30, & 300 Hz) and intensities (2x, 5x, 10x, 20x & 40xT, T is threshold , i.e., electric current intensity to induce minimum muscle contraction). The intravesical pressure, the afferent and efferent activities, as well as the EMG of the external sphincter muscles will be re
關鍵字:Nerve activity;Bladder