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CCMP89-RD-040 常用中藥丹參、黃耆、黃芩之毒性試驗系統

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:89-08-27
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


中藥為天然藥材,因此有關其產地、原藥材、加工、品質管制、製劑、藥理、藥效、毒理等各方面之研究,雖較純品之西藥更為困難,但我們對於單味用藥、傳統方劑及或現代組方之藥效 (efficacy) 與安全性(Safety),務必經過可靠之藥理、毒理及符合GCP(Good Clinical Practice)標準與原則之臨床試驗進行客觀驗證,利用先進的科技對單味藥及方劑從成份、藥效等多方面制定可以定性及定量的品質標準,使其品管有章可循,確保藥效及其安全性。

本研究選擇丹參、黃耆及黃芩三種藥材為研究對象,藉以建立一套完整的中藥材毒性試驗系統。分別在臺灣的北部地區採購市面上販售之不同產地來源之藥材,依處方需要煎煮後,取煎煮液減壓濃縮後,進行動物急性毒性反應評估,同時亦將此煎煮液中之主要組成份予以分析,並對照毒性測試數據,進行系統性之評估,藉由本研究室完善的設備及過去研究的經驗,我們希望能發揮所長,研究各藥材對大白鼠血中NO,LPO及 TAS濃度,局部血流微循環改變,動物運動行為之變化以及離體血管收縮張力之改變等,建立一套完整毒性檢驗系統。



Studies on the guidelines for the toxicology of the commonly used Chinese drugs(Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge., Astragalus membranaceus(Fish.)Bge., and Scute llaria baicalensis Georgi.)

Shing-Hwa Liu
Institute of Toxicology, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University
The Chinese herbal drugs which were nature products from different area had been used to cure diseases for several thousands years. The therapeutic benefits of traditional Chinese medicine have survived the test of time, but the studies of pharmacology, efficacy, toxicology, quality control, processing, and origin of Chinese drugs are more difficult than western medical drugs. The Chinese drugs should been subjected to animal testing for toxicity in preclinical screening before clinical trial and marketing.

The toxicology of the commonly used Chinese drugs including Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge, Astragalus membranaceus(Fish.) Bge, and Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi, were studied in this work. The different origin of Chinese drugs were purchased from Chinese herbal drug stores in Taipei, Taiwan , then they were subjected to be boiled at 100℃ in water and evaporated and concentrated under vacuum. The herbal drugs extracts were used for in vivo and in vitro toxicology tests and analyze
關鍵字:Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge, Astragalus membranaceus(Fish.) Bge, Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi, guidelines for the toxicology test