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CCMP88-RD-011 慢性肝炎患者之中醫證型及舌診科學化之研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:88-08-28
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


本研究計畫之重點,在於建立中醫診斷學中舌診的客觀指標,藉由慢性肝炎病患者來探討不同肝功能狀態下和Child Chart評分表的舌色表現,並且利用中醫問卷調查表來瞭解中醫證型與肝功能間,以及中醫證型與舌診間之關係。

本研究以中國醫藥學院附設醫院肝炎特別門診和消化內科住院之肝炎和肝硬化患者 年齡介於40-60 歲﹐共 120 名為樣本,依Child評分分級分成A、B、C共三組,每組各 40 名;並蒐集正常組和非肝病組各50名為對照組。納入本研究的患者除了詢問基本資料表、中醫體質問卷表外,並安排肝功能檢查、腹部超音波檢查,接受舌象攝影。肝功能及腹部超音波檢查兩項檢查分別由本院附設醫院檢驗科、腹部超音波室進行檢測工作,舌象攝影在中醫部舌診檢查室進行。




The Research of Disease Patterns of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Contemporary Study of Tongue Images in the Patients of Chronic Hepatitis

Jian-jung, Chen
Chinese Medical College Hospital

The purpose of this study is to establish objective diagnosis system for tongue-diagnosis of Chinese-medicine by analyzing the relationship between tongue image analysis and liver function test of chronic hepatitis patients. We also design some question-answer charts for Chinese medicine, to evaluate their relationship with liver function test and tongue image analysis. 

The samples of this study are originated from the G-I medical department of Chinese-medical-collage hospital. The patients, aged from 40 to 60 years old, who had hepatitis and liver cirrhosis, excluding other organ diseases, systemic diseases, and operated past history, will be included in our study. We also collect 50 patients each, as normal and non-hepatitis groups. When the patients are included to our study, liver function test and abdominal sonagraphy will be performed. Thereafter, question-answer charts and photography of tongue will be arranged.

Tongue image will be taken under controlle
關鍵字:Hepatitis, Liver function test, Child scoring system, Diagnosis of Chinese medicine, Bian-Zheng, Tongue diagnosis, Image analysis