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CCMP88-RD-016 活血化瘀中藥抗腫瘤作用的研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:88-08-28
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


中醫活血化瘀藥一般指可以消除淤滯,調理血行的作用。最早"內經"記載"血凝滯"、"血不通"、"留血"、"神農本草經"已有四十一種活血化瘀藥的記載,唐容川"血証論"專論血證提及"活血以止血,袪瘀以生新"中醫瘀血可能指的是一些疾病引起的血液循環障礙, 例如"血脈不通""、污穢之血"、"離經之血"、"血液內結"、"久病入血",活血化瘀的治療則包括"通其閉阻"、"化其瘀滯"、"去其陳積"、"調合氣血"、"促其新生",以血管新生的研究模型來探討中藥的活血化瘀作用,應為非常合理的研究方向。尤其中藥的跌打損傷用藥,經由促進血管新生的能力來達到組織修復及再生應可預期,而中醫對腫瘤的患者有"氣滯,血瘀、濕聚、氣虛、血虧"治療原則"軟堅散結"、"補益氣血",亦讓我們了解腫瘤的新生血管應為中藥可能的作用對象。因此,我們將針對活血化瘀中草藥之抗腫瘤血管新生作一個有系統的研究。我們選列下述中藥: 紅花、三七、絞股藍、莪朮、丹參、桃仁、三棱、五靈脂、川芎,就上述中草藥進行下列各項研究;

四、以melanoma B-16 為腫瘤及其轉移模型,探討在試管內腫瘤血管新生模型具有抑制活性者對腫瘤及其轉移的影響。


Studies on the anti-cancer effect of angiogenesis modulators in Chinese Herbs

Rong-Tsun Wu 
Institute of Biopharmaceutical Science National Yang-Ming University
Applied Blood-quicking and stasis-dispelling agent (BQSDA, 活血化淤藥) or circulation obstruction is a special and exclusive therapy in Chinese traditional medicine. The Chinese traditional medicine consider that the effect mechanism of BQSDA included to free the circulation obstruction, to transform the stasis accumulation, to dispel the vintage accumulation, to harmonize Qi (氣) and circulation, to promote the repairing. We try to study the effect mechanism of BQSDA or anticancer herbal drugs on angiogenesis regulation. We select the following BQSDA for this study: Carthamus tinctorius L., Panax pseudo-ginseug wall.var. Gynostemma pentaplyllum, Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge., Prunus davidiana Franch, Sparganium stoloniferun Buck-Ham, Trogopterus xanthipes Milne-Edwards, Ligustucum walluchii Franch.We try to investigate the angiogenesis inhibitors derived from Chinese herbs by using the angiogenic model designed as followed:

1.Establish the in vitro tumor angiogenesis model.

關鍵字:angiogenesis, Chinese herbs, cancer, vascular endothelial cells.