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CCMP88-RD-019 傷寒論、金匱要略與溫病條辨治黃疸方劑對ANIT誘發實驗性黃疸性肝炎的比較研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:88-08-28
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


中醫方劑治療肝炎黃疸,不論何種病毒感染,在改善臨床症狀及肝實質病變,是具有相當正面的意義。因此本研究計畫擬以奈異硫氰酸脂(ANIT, Alpha-naphthylisothiocyanate)試劑誘發黃疸性肝炎動物模型,ANIT除能誘發結合型高膽紅素血症,並能誘發膽道炎及肝損傷。





Comparative studies of jaundice pattern prescriptions from Shan-Han-Lun, Jin-Gui-Tao-Lueh and Wen-Bing-Tian-Bian on experimental hepatitis with jaundice induced by ANIT

Jung-Chou Chen 
School of Chinese Medicine China Medical College
ANIT (Alpha-naphthylisothiocyanate)can induce hyperbilirubinemia, cholangitis and hepatotoxicity. In this study we expect to evaluate the effects of Chinese medical jaundice pattern prescriptions from Shan-Han-Lun, Jin-Gui-Tao-Lueh and Wen-Bing-Tian-Bian on experimental hepatitis with jaundice induced by ANIT in rats.The experimental method is divided into three parts:the Shan-Han group, the Jin-Gui group and Wen-Bing group. Each group is divided into six subgroup including contol subgroup, injury subgroup, silymarin subgroup and three subgroups of jaundice pattern prescriptions. The study we expect the result that will be using in Chinese clinic to treat hepatitis with jaundice on pattern identification. It will be supplying and extending the content in Chinese internal medicine.
關鍵字:Hepatitis with jaundice, jaundice pattern prescriptions and Alpha-naphthylisothiocyanate.