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CCMP88-RD-023 六味地黃丸增強學習記憶能力之藥理學研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:88-08-28
  • 更新時間:109-04-06



中醫言「腎」,主骨生髓,生理上主要表現有髓海充盈,思維敏捷,耐久而強用。且近期研究中醫歸腎藥約佔總體抗衰老藥之一半,而在老年癡呆症之用藥中,亦以利濕、滋腎養陰、溫腎壯陽等歸腎藥之使用率最頻繁。因此,著者選用補陰類方劑六味地黃丸進行研究,本方由熟地黃、山茱萸、山藥、茯苓、澤瀉及丹皮等六味藥所組成,主治「腎怯,囪開不合,神不足…」;現代藥理研究發現六味地黃丸具抗衰老及抗氧化之作用。而今之衰老理論指出衰老與自由基有關,且常伴隨記憶力減退。按本研究室之初步實驗結果,六味地黃丸應有增強學習記憶能力之作用;且依孫淑英(北京中醫藥大學學報,1994)之研究指出六味地黃丸具抗衰老之作用。因此,六味地黃丸對學習記憶能力應具增強之作用。因此,本研究將六味地黃丸採水或95%乙醇抽取分成兩組,以被動迴避學習反應(passive avoidance learning)及雙向主動迴避反應(two-way active avoidance)來探討六味地黃丸採水或95%乙醇粗抽物對藥物(scopolamine及cycloheximide)所誘發之學習記憶障礙之作用;另因在被動迴避儀之實驗中仍受大鼠運動活性及對電刺激引起的痛刺激反應影響,因此本研究另輔以自發運動量及電痛閾值之測定。


Pharmacological studies on facilitating effects of Liu-Wei-Di-Huang-Wan on learning and memory in rats

Hsieh Ming-Hsuen
China Medical College Institute of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences
The population of aging is gradually increasing, the patients suffered from dementia are simultaneously increasing. The mainly symptoms of the dementia involved the decline of cognition function, especially the decline of recent memory and easily forgotten for recent learning experience. The existing cognition activators possess various levels on the improving effects for various drugs-induced learning and memory impairment, but these drugs in clinical application did not develop their efficacy.

Recent reports have pointed out cognition activators used to cure senile dementia in Chinese medicine belong to “Tonifying drugs(補益藥)” more than half and the theory of aging is related to free radical and suffered the decline of memory. Liu-Wei-Di-Huang-Wan(六味地黃丸) belongs to “Tonifying formulas(補益劑)” and is used to cure insomnia, hyperlipidemia and DM. In modern pharmacological studies, Liu-Wei-Di-Huang-Wan possesses the anti-aging and antioxidant properties. So, our
關鍵字:Liu-Wei-Di-Huang-Wan, Passive avoidance task, Two-way active avoidance task