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CCMP88-RD-045 礦物類中藥材安全性制定之前導研究--朱砂本身(汞化合物)及其重金屬污染物(鉛、砷、鎘)兩者毒性的比較與作用機制(3-1)

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:88-08-28
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


由於礦物性中藥對人體健康的關係越來越引人注目,現已成為當代醫學研究的一個重要課題,因此我們擬對這些礦物性中藥材進行化學和藥理等方面的研究,以便尋求一種重要的臨床用藥之指標。由於礦物性中藥是藥抑或是毒,純粹是劑量上的關鍵性問題。古典醫著對礦物藥有「大毒、有毒、微毒、無毒」的定性分級,但均缺乏客觀數據,如硃砂(HgS)古籍記載無無毒,然其LD50經分級卻仍鼠微毒性(12.10g/kg, IV)。雖然歷代典籍著作有其毒性的定性記載,但常十分矛盾,也無實驗數據。況且對其可能產生對器官的標的組織是否有潛在的損害作用,皆是有待科學實驗來測定的。已知汞、砷、鉛在急性中毒現象上,動物會有少動、反應遲鈍、震顫、腎出血、肝腫大之表現,至於長期服用所引起之慢性毒性均仍有待進一步研究及評估。

本研究計畫的內容及方法簡述如下:(1)將先從硃砂、雄黃、密佗僧開始,再擴展至其他的礦物性中藥,針對毒性較大的重金屬如汞、鉛、砷等,藉由原子吸收光譜之分析,可偵測藥材在血中或組織中之汞、鉛、砷的含量,以期研究其在動物體內的代謝情形、慢性毒性及安全劑量;(2)分別對中樞神經系統及末梢神經系統,作腦幹神經之訊息傳遞及電位變化、動物自發運動量、迴轉輪平衡及運動神經傳導相關電生理的研究,以期進一步了解汞、砷、鉛其可能的神經毒性。透過神經毒性的偵測,我們試圖找到一個比生化學檢驗方法更為靈敏且有效的檢測技術;(3)在行為功能變異上,我們擬觀察此三種重金屬對動物之自發活動性(locomotion)、迴避反應能力(avoidance response)、直立反射能力(righting reflex)、肌肉張力(muscle tension);(4)藉由鎮靜安眠的誘發反應,可了解是否由於藥材本身具有的鎮靜作用,抑或者是其神經毒性的另一種表現;(5)由於溫差測驗乃為對神經毒性敏感甚高的生理檢查,故進行溫差測驗,併檢視其溫差眼振反應,之後進行小腦及內耳形態學上之研究。



The toxicological effects and mechanisms of cinnabar (Hg compound) with or without Pb, As and Cd contamination

Lin-Shiau, Shoei-Yn 
National Taiwan University
Cinnabar (Hgs), Realgar (AsS) and Mi tuo seng (PbO), all natural occurring mineral drugs, have been used in combination with Chinese herbal medicine for more than 2000 years. In Taiwan, it has been banned for the abuse of cinnabar or realgar, but recently resumed to legal prescription in Chinese medicines, such as Ba paul San for children. Apparently, it is urgent to know how well is the absorption of HgS or AsS in gastrointestinal tract and what are the toxic actions of these drugs containing heavy metals in the animals and human beings.

Althought the neurotoxicity of methylmercurey and HgCl2 has been studied, either HgS in form of cinnabar or AsS in form of realgar was still subjected fewer investigations. Thus, we attempted to comparatively study the electrophysiological effects and their chronic neurotoxicity of the commercially available mineral drugs. The sedative effects will be tested in mice by measuring their locomotor activities. The possible enhancement by these drug
關鍵字:cinnabar、signal transduction、neurotoxicity、nystagmus response、behavior disorder