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CCMP87-RD-009 中醫紅外線脈診在血糖偵測上的應用

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:87-08-30
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


計畫初期,先對手指脈波作分別取樣。取得脈波後,做類比對數位訊號的轉換。在經過訊號放大之後,透過單晶片的處理,透過RS-232 PORT送進電腦中。在第二階段中,由軟體部分的WINDOWS API的接收訊號,和所撰寫軟體對訊號作濾波之後,藉數值分析或統計方式、尋找其對應的特性位置。


Infrared Pulse Diagnosis of Chinese Medicine in Blood Sugar Detection

Ching-Sung Wung 
Chung Yuan Christian University
Pulse diagnosis in Chinese medicine has been developed consistantly not only in the phase of technique but in the phase of clinical test. Recently the application of infrared in pulse diagnosis has come up to a new era in Chinese med icine.
The absorption characteristic of substances to illumination source has brought the infrared to become a new device in the detection of blood sugar.
This research mainly is to use infrared to retrieve pulse signal for blood sugar analysis. In the procedure, the theorem of Chinese pulse diagnosis, the technique of pulse signal processing, statistics and numerical analysis will be applied.
In order to accomplish this project, infrared pulse detection device hardware and software will be developed first. Pulse signals from normal subjects and patients with diabetics will be taken and analyzed. The results will show the relationship between the characteristics of pulse signals and the concentractions of blood sugar. The device may be helpful in the de

關鍵字:: Pulse diagnosis in Chinese、blood sugar detection、infrared