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CCMP87-RD-011 中藥方劑土虌蟲和萬靈膏對骨折癒合療效的研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:87-08-30
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


中國醫藥學在臨床上對擖折患者常有施以土虌蟲Tu-Bieh-Chung, TBC)和萬靈膏(Wan-Ling Paste, WLP)來治療之。因TBC在「中藥名方藥理與作用」中,詳載主治破一切血積和接骨等症,WLP在「正骨心法要旨」中,詳載主治舒筋活血和止痛接骨等症, 該兩種方劑都有? P使骨折癒合快和功能恢復好等效果。本研究旨在以腓骨骨折程度一致的雄性大白兔,同時給予內服TBC和/或外敷WLP治療後, 用骨組織病理學(bone histopathology)和顯微放射攝影學(microradiography)等技術,來探討該兩種方劑對骨折癒合過程的骨中細胞(bone cells)動力學、骨塑型(mo deling)和重塑型(remodeling)以及骨生成的變化情形。本研究擬選用120隻雄性大白兔,將之分成兩大組;一為對照組,另一為實驗組。對照組再分為四組; 第一組動物的左後肢經手術於找到腓骨幹後,不作任何處理,即將分開的軟組織逐漸縫合,最後於皮膚外表以紗布包紮之,稱假性腓骨鋸斷( Sham, S)組。第二、三、四組動物則於同於S組方式處理後,即內服TBC和/或在手術部位的皮膚外敷WLP,分別稱為假性左側腓骨鋸斷加內服土虌組,假性左側腓骨鋸斷加外敷萬靈膏組以及假性左側腓骨鋸斷加內服土虌蟲和外敷萬靈膏組。實驗組亦分為四組,其第一組亦依S組的手術方式處理,但於腓骨幹中間處用電鋸鋸除6mm,稱為骨折(Fracture, F)組。而第二、三、四組動物則於同以F組方式處理後,亦即內服TBC和/或外敷WLP,分別稱為左側腓骨鋸斷加內服土虌蟲組,左側腓骨鋸段加外敷萬靈膏組以及左側腓骨鋸斷加內服土虌蟲和外敷萬靈膏組。各組於術後1,2,或3個月分別犧牲5 隻大白兔,鏡檢同時使用該兩種方劑後,對原始造骨細胞(osteoprogenitor cell), 造骨細胞和破骨細胞,皮質骨和鬆質骨的骨量密度(volumetric density),骨內膜(endosteum)和骨外膜periosteum)的骨生成速率的影響情形。
關鍵字:土虌蟲, 萬靈膏, 骨折癒合

The therapeutic effect of Chinese prescriptions (Tu-Bieh-Chung and Wan-Ling Paste) on bone fracture healing

Teen-Meei Wang 
Dental Department, China Medical College Hospital
Tu-Bieh-Chung (TBC) and Wan-Ling Paste (WLP) have the effects of increased circulation and wound healing. They are used to cure the symptoms of decreased circulation, amenorrhea, and soft tissue damage and to increase the fracture h ealing and muscle strength. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of TBC+WLP on fractured bone of the male rabbit by using the knowledge and techniques of bone pathology and histomorphometry, light microscopy, and microradiography and t hin ground section. One hundred and twenty New-Zealand male rabbits will be divided into two groups; one is control group, another one is experimantal group. Each group has four subgroups, and 5 animals in each subgroup. The rabbits of control group will be received sham operation on their left fibular as S group. Each subgroup of the S group right after sham operation was fed TBC soup orally and/or appplied WLP externally as S+TBC, S+WLP, or S+TBC+WLP sub-group, respectively. In the experimental group, the
關鍵字:Tu-Bieh-Chung (TBC) , Wan-Ling Paste (WLP), fracture healing.