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CCMP86-RD-050 中醫望診(舌診)系統:舌紅外線影像攝影系統

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:86-08-30
  • 更新時間:109-04-06







Development of tongue viewing diagnosis system for Chinese medicine    useing infrared image system

From Chinese medical perceptive, it is well known that the status of tongue is highly correlated to the disease of upper GI track. The state at the center portion of tongue is correlated to the state of liver, stomach and spleen. The temperature distribution at the surface in center protion of tongue will also represent the state of upper GI track. This proposed project at first phase will develop a method using infrared ray (IR) image to examine the temperature distribution. At second phase, We will extract features from these images and will correlate the feature to the disease status of upper GI track. The dynamic and static (accumulated) features of IR image will be used in the testing. At second phase of this project, we will set the goal to develop a database management system to manage the of image feature. We will correlate these image features to the disease status. The outcome of this database can be used in clinical evaluation as well as reserach in Chinese Medicine
關鍵字:infrared, tongue, upper G.I.