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CCMP102-RD-117 防風通聖散及大柴胡湯之抗糖尿病及免疫調節活性與其相關保健功效研究 (2-2)

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-07-25
  • 更新時間:109-02-18

吳淑靜 嘉南藥理科技大學保健營養系

最近以中草藥或健康食品來治療或預防疾病的觀念則越來越受到重視。2011年糖尿病已居臺灣十大死因的第四位,且第二型糖尿病占國人糖尿病人口的95%左右,因此探討防風通聖散(Bofutsushosan; BOF)及大柴胡湯(Daisaikoto; DAI)兩種傳統中草藥方劑對國人保健應有其重要的意義。民間多認為防風通聖散(BOF)及大柴胡湯(DAI)含有19種及8種藥材組合而成,具有保肝、減肥及降血脂等效能。但是防風通聖散(BOF)及大柴胡湯(DAI)兩種方劑對抗第二型糖尿病及免疫調節的活性與其保健功能目前並不明瞭,因此值得深入研究。本研究主要研究目的,包括:第一年計畫以細胞模式探討BOF及DAI與其活性成分對小鼠骨骼肌(C2C12)細胞之細胞存活率、葡萄糖吸收效力及其對胰島素訊息、GLUT-4路徑及對AMPK訊息路徑等進行探討。另外,以第二型糖尿病動物模式以高脂肪飲食對第二型糖尿病之影響及其改善葡萄糖吸收功能及胰島素阻抗、GLUT-4路徑及AMPK路徑等之相關保健功效及分子機制研究。第二年計畫以LPS-誘導小鼠(Raw 267.4)細胞探討BOF及DAI與其活性成分之免疫調節活性及其分子作用機制,含TLR-4、MyD88、MAPK及NF-κB等途徑之訊息傳遞反應;並以動物實驗模式探討BOF及DAI與其活性成分進行之免疫調節反應(i.e. 細胞吞噬活性、細胞激素及抗體量測定分析)之影響。我們也透過細菌逆轉突變性分析(Ames test)及急性毒性試驗對BOF及DAI進行安全性評估。結果將有助於BOF及DAI兩種方劑之保健功效,並作為發展高經濟價值保健食品之重要資料依據。

關鍵字: 防風通聖散; 大柴胡湯; 抗糖尿病; 免疫調節

Studies on the anti-diabetic effects, immunomodulatory activities, and related health-promoting functions of Bofutsushosan and Daisaikoto (2-2)

Shu-Jing Wu Department of Nutritional Health, Chia-Nan University of Pharmacy and Science, Taiwan

There is growing interest in the use of traditional Chinese herbal medicines and health foods for the treatment and prevention of diseases. In 2011, diabetes mellitus (DM) was the fourth among the top 10 causes of death in Taiwan, and more than 95% above are type 2 DM. In general, Chinese herb medicines, such as Bofutsushosan (BOF; consisting of 19 components) and Daisaikoto (DAI; constituted from 8 ingredients) possess hepatoprotective, anti-obesity, and hypolipidemic activities among other therapeutic properties. However, their anti-diabetic effects and immunomodulatory functions remain unclear, which warrant research investigation. The aims of this study comprise of the following: for the first year, using in vitro cell model including C2C12 cells, we will examine the cell viability and, under type 2 diabetic condition, their mechanism(s) of therapeutic effects; furthermore, in vivo high-fat diet animal model will be used to examine the effects of BOF and DAI as well as their active compounds to elucidate their functional properties of glucose absorption, insulin resistance, GLUT-4, as well as AMPK pathways. In the second year, we will examine the immunomodulatory activities of BOF, DAI, and their respective active compounds to clarify their effects on molecular signaling cascades, such as TLR-4, MyD88, MAPKs, and NF-κB pathways in LPS-induced mouse macrophage cells (Raw 264.7). In addition, we will examine the effects of BOF and DAI as well as their active compounds on the immuno responses (i.e. phagocytosis, cytokines and antibodies analysis) in animals. We will also evaluate the safety of BOF and DAI through bacterial reverse mutation assay (Ames test) as well as the acute toxicity test in rats. Results obtained from these studies will provide valuable information for the development of economical and effective BOF and DAI-based health products.