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CCMP102-RD-017 中醫藥國際合作與發展策略

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-09-26
  • 更新時間:111-02-14

劉祖惠 財團法人生物技術開發中心 

為提升我國中醫藥在全球的能見度與競爭力,促進中醫藥發展,本計畫以促進我國中醫藥國際化角度出發,篩選蒐集新加坡、印尼、韓國、紐西蘭傳統醫藥政策與產業相關資訊,探討我國中醫藥國際化政策發展方向與關鍵問題,以提出規劃策略。本計畫使用網站、期刊、資料庫等資料,分析目標國家的傳統醫藥相關資訊;並透過深度訪談,蒐集各界建議,進而提出我國中醫藥國際政策規劃。 在產業環境、政策法規、與市場表現三方面,對新、印、韓、紐進行我國中醫藥國際合作發展之可行性評價,以新加坡最高,次為韓國,印尼第三,紐西蘭最末。建議在未來考慮:(1)推動以中醫國際研究交流合作,帶動中藥輸出;(2)將行政效率與國際化程度等作為中醫藥國際交流之輔助評估因素;(3) 強化已有中醫藥產品出口銷售與據點國家之交流;(4)中醫藥相關產品如保健品、化妝品列為共同推動項目,做為中醫藥國際交流策略規劃之參考。 


International Cooperation and Developmental Strategy of Traditional Chinese Medicine Tsu-Hwie Annie Liu Development Center for Biotechnology In order to promote the global visibility and competence of traditional Chinese medicine in Taiwan, the aim of the project is to identify key factors and establish international cooperation strategies through studying the policy, regulation and industry of traditional medicine in Singapore, Indonesia, South Korea and New Zealand. This study uses information from internet, journal and databank, to analyze the status of targeted countries. The expert interviews were also collected as first-hand information. Both primary and secondary data were used as references for strategic planning. Considering the industrial environment, policies and regulations, and market performance in feasibility assessment of international cooperation, Singapore received the highest priority, followed by South Korea, Indonesia, and New Zealand. Suggestions are made in 4 directions for international cooperation strategies: (1) using research cooperation to promote Chinese medicine export; (2) considering administrative efficiency and the degree of internationalization as criteria for international collaboration; (3) strengthen partnership with existing export countries; (4) promoting CHM-related products alone with pharmaceuticals.