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CCMP97-RD-032 中醫臨床技能教室與教材之建置

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-13
  • 更新時間:106-06-16



Setup of clinical skill classroom and teaching materials for Chinese Medicine

Ching-Liang Hsieh
China Medical University Hospital
In order to promote the clinical care level of Chinese Medicine (CM), Committee on CM and pharmacy, department of health, executive yuan, R.O.C. pushed the establishment of CM clinical teaching system, and the plain of CM clinical teaching training and teaching training improvement since 2002. The various categories of CM clinical teaching training system and CM clinical teaching materials of common disease has been established. Whereas, CM clinical teaching except textbook and teaching handouts, the practical teaching is more important, especially inspection, listening, questioning and pulse diagnosis of four examination, and manual skill of CM traumatology and acupuncture. Because these manual skill of CM traumatology and acupuncture cannot complete explanation by studding textbook or oral interpretation. Therefore, there is very important to establish a practical clinical skill room and teaching materials for promoting the level of CM clinical teaching training. The purpose of the present study is to establish clinical teaching materials of clinical skill room including keypoint and ouline interpretation of tongue and pulse-wave diagnosis; keypoint and sound-wave outline interpretation of listening diagnosis; keypoint and speech meaning of questioning diagnosis. The manual skill of CM traumatology and acupuncture, and that pay attention to item also are established. In addition, the preparation of clinical teaching materials is done in this plan.
關鍵字:Clinical skill; Clinical teaching; Chinese Medicine