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CCMP97-RD-024 加味黃耆桂枝五物湯對糖尿病神經病變病患之療效與安全性評估

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-13
  • 更新時間:106-06-16


根據衛生署統計,糖尿病早已穩居台灣地區十大死因排行第四位,而且經常引發或加重其他中老年人慢性病的嚴重度。糖尿病神經病變是糖尿病慢性病變中發生率最高的併發症,根據何橈通等人的報告,在初期約有7.5%患者合併神經病變,但患病時間若超過25年,則有高達50﹪的比率合併神經病變,而且常嚴重影響生活品質。目前西醫治療糖尿病神經病變藥物主要有Analgesics(如NSAIDs、Tramadol等)、Antidepressants (如TCAs、SSRIs、Duloxetine等)、 Capsaicin topical cream以及Anticonvulsants(如Pregabalin等)等四大類,然而部分病人在服用後卻容易出現影響腎臟功能變化、藥物成癮、頭暈、嗜睡、姿態性低血壓、皮膚燒灼感甚至是再生性不良貧血等副作用。因此,如何發現較無副作用的替代性治療是一重要目標。

大陸長春中醫藥大學第一附屬醫院童延清與侯火明等人2006年發表於J Altern Complement Med的臨床研究發現,以mecobalamin為對照組,黃耆桂枝五物湯複方可以有效改善糖尿病人DPN的NCV以及相關的主觀症狀,尤其在治療前後降低肢體的麻感以及自發性疼痛的嚴重度方面,以paired-sample t-test統計法比較,p值均<0.03,而在肢體溫覺、皮膚感覺異常和肢體無力感方面,也有顯著改善,另外在正中神經的SNCV以及脛神經的MNCV均有顯著改善。本計畫經統計專家樣本估算後增大樣本數,除了NCV外,更加上更完整的NE、VAS、SF-36、MNSI、ABI、PWV、hs-CRP、肝腎功能等療效與安全性客觀指標,必能取得更佳的研究成果。

本研究以台中榮民總醫院新陳代謝科門診病患為研究對象,擬收集糖尿病神經病變患者一百二十人,依據隨機抽樣分成兩組(A,B),每組為六十人。其中一組為服用安慰劑,另一組則服用加味黃耆桂枝五物湯。經過三個月的療程,我們將透過兩組病患之疼痛視覺量表(VAS)、生活品質問卷(SF-36)、密西根神經病變篩檢量表(MNSI)、神經傳導速度(NCV)、神經理學檢查(NE)、動脈硬化篩檢儀的ABI(Ankle Brachial Index)和PWV(Pulse Wave Velocity)指標、血中hs-CRP、AC sugar、HbA1c、血脂、肝腎功能等改變之比較,來評估加味黃耆桂枝五物湯對糖尿病神經病變病患之療效與安全性,未來將進一步探討中藥治療糖尿病神經病變的分子作用機轉。

The evaluation of safety and efficacy of JWHGWT on Diabetic Neuropathy

Chia I Tsai
Diabetic Mellitus is the fourth cause of death in the report of Department of Health in 1995, and it often cause the severiry of other chronic diseases. Diabetic neuropathy is the most prevalent complication of DM. When the course of disease is over 25 years, the prevalence is 50﹪, and it often influents the quqlity of life. 

There are four types of current therapy of Western medicine which including Analgesics(eg. NSAIDs、Tramadol etc.)、Antidepressants (eg.TCAs、SSRIs、Duloxetine etc.)、Capsaicin topical cream and Anticonvulsants(eg. Pregabalin etc.).But there are complications of disorder of kidney function, addiction, dizzeness, easy fatique, postural hypotension, burnning sensation of skin, and aplastic anemia. It is an important goal to achieve an alternative therapy without complication. 

120 patients with Diabetic neuropathy will be recruimented in Taichung Veterans General Hospital endocrine and metabolism clinics. They will be divided into A and B groups by random. Placebo will be took in one group, and HGWT will be took in the other group. VAS、SF-36、MNSI、NCV、NE、ABI(Ankle Brachial Index) and PWV(Pulse Wave Velocity)、serum hs-CRP、AC sugar、HbA1c、lipid profiles、liver and kidney functions will be measured after a 3 month trial in order to evaluate the safety and efficacy of HGWT on patients with Diabetic neuropathy.
關鍵字:Diabetic Neuropathy,HGWT,Clinical Trial