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CCMP97-RD-018 重輯名醫別錄之掃描與建置電子檔

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-13
  • 更新時間:106-06-16


名醫別錄,乃魏、晉名醫繼漢代神農本草經四卷後,集錄之第二部本草著作。其書已亡佚,没有留存原本。那琦、謝文全二位教授首先於1977於中國醫藥大學完成重輯名醫別錄,此輯本較大陸尚志鈞輯校本早九年,且採朱墨雜書,即紅黑二色印刷,至今此重輯本已逾三十年,且那琦教授與謝文全教授二人皆已身故,故保留原本之存真,以供後來考證者或針對有爭議處有所依據,實屬需要。本計劃擬將那琦與謝文全敎授重輯的名醫別錄進行電腦掃瞄,同時word 打字,校稿與編輯,最後電腦與光碟存檔,完成期中與期末報告。

Scanning and establishing electronic files of reedited Ming-I-Pieh-Lu ancient book

Shu-Ling Liu
China Medical University
Scanning and establishing electronic files of reedited Ming-I-Pieh-Lu ancient book Shu-Ling Liu China Medical University The Ming-I-Pieh-Lu is the second collected Pents’ao book of Han dynasty after Shen-Nung-Pents’ap-Ching by famous doctors of Wei and Jin dynasty. The original manuscript of Ming-I-Pieh-Lu has lost. Ming-I-Pieh-Lu was reedited by Professor Nai-Gi and Hsieh Wen-Chiuan at China Medical University in 1977. The above book printed with red and black has already existed for 30 years and is 9-year older than the reedited version by Mr. Sung in China. Both professors Nai and Hsieh passed away and the retention of original textual book is deemed necessary for possible solution dispute. This project will use new computer technique to scan, edit and establish electronic files for the reedited version by professors Nai and Hsieh. Key words: reedited Ming-I-Pieh-Lu, scanning, electronic files.
關鍵字:reedited Ming-I-Pieh-Lu;scanning;electronic files