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CCMP95-TP-031-1 肝纖維化動物模式評估中西醫藥併用抗肝纖維化療效及機制探討

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:95-08-14
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


由於國人因感染慢性B或C型病毒性肝炎及酒精性肝炎,而逐漸演變成肝纖維化而成肝硬化之機率極高,如何阻延或逆轉肝纖維化為處理慢性B或C型肝炎及預防肝癌的重要課題。肝纖維化是一個動態、進行性的過程,在某些階段為可逆的,其形成的特性為肝星狀細胞(Hepatic stellate cell)的活化。雖然,近期有些報告証實,以西藥及外科方法在動物模式及肝硬化患者,對肝纖維化的逆轉及抑制有一些效果,但至今尚無一種有效的藥証實可治療肝纖維化,故目前研究治療方法的方向,以抑制星狀細胞異常活化增生及保護肝細胞受傷害為主,包括抗纖維化測定、肝星狀細胞之”細胞凋亡” (apoptosis)、抗發炎以及氧化壓力與解毒方面清除活性氧化物等方法,來篩選抗肝纖維化或保護肝臟之中藥或西藥。在近年的研究報告發現,無論中醫方劑或單方:如小柴胡湯、柴胡舒肝散、丹參、silymarin等,在動物模式中對抗肝纖維化有很好療效,其作用機制以抑制星狀細胞活化增生及膠原纖維合成為訴求。但在西醫臨床治療方面目前以抑制病毒藥物為主,對單一抗肝纖維化治療藥物甚少,近年來rapamycin已被證實於動物模式中有抗纖維化及抗發炎的作用,此藥在臨床上常用於抗排斥、抗黴菌、抗發炎、抗腫瘤治療,在一些動物實驗報告中證實對腎和肝之抗纖維化有良好之效果,其作用機制為透過“Target of rapamycin”傳遞鏈的抑制,以達抑制肌纖維母細胞增生及分泌膠原纖維之作用。本計畫擬以體內 (in vivo)肝纖維化動物模式建立各種生物活性評估方法後,針對中草藥複方-柴胡舒肝散及單方-丹參抽出物,分別合併rapamycin進行評估抗肝纖維化之藥效探究其機轉研究。其評估指標包括:以四氯化碳大鼠肝纖維化動物模式,以單一和合併中西藥分別給予比較及不同療程的藥物餵食來評估其抗炎症反應、抑制星狀細胞增生及膠原蛋白合成情形,其指標項目包括血清生化指標 (SGOT,SGPT,creatinine),肝纖維化評分,肝臟α-SMA與膠原蛋白含量測定,免疫螢光染色 (NFκB與α-SMA),以及肝纖維化生成作用(fibrogenesis)相關基因α-SMA、TGF-β1、CTGF和pro-collagen type I&III等mRNA之表現。由於這些藥物之作用機轉可能有些許差異,故藉由動物試驗評估中西藥合併使用在療效及相互作用最佳時機,並了解是否有相加或相乘的療效及探討其相互作用機轉,期藉此試驗以建立研究中西醫藥合併治療抗肝纖維化療效評估及作用機制之動物試驗模式平臺。

The effects and mechanism studies of herb drugs combining with western medicine to inhibit liver fibrosis in animal models

Chiu, Yung-Tsung
Taichung Veterans General Hospital
Many patients with chronic viral hepatitis B and C or alcoholic hepatitis reveal the chronic state of progressive liver injury and inflammation, and may lead to cirrhosis which is replacement of normal parenchyma by fibrotic tissue. Chronic viral hepatitis are well-recognized risk factors for hepatoma, therefore lessening or reversing hepatic fibrosis is an important strategy for both prevention of hepatoma and management of sequelae of hepatitis. Hepatic fibrosis is a dynamic, complex, progressive and reversible. The major pathogenesis of liver fibrosis is activation of hepatic stellate cells (HSCs), characterized by transformation from a quiescent phenotype to a proliferative and secretory phenotype. But,there are not yet efficacious anti-fibrotic drugs to be available in clinical. In recently , the aim of research and therapy of hepatic fibrosis is concentrated in inhibiting or reversing fibrosis. Anti-fibrotic strategies can be determinted by reducing oxidative stress, anti-inflammation, or apoptosis induction of activated HSCs. In the recent years, many Chinese herbs such as Shugan-Huayu powder, modified Chai-Hu-Shu-Gan powder, Salvia miltiorrhiza or silymarin, had been proved antifibrotic effect in liver via inhibited activation of HSCs in animal models. But, the major clinical therapy of western medicine is still used antiviral drugs.
關鍵字:Hepatic fibrosis;Chronic hepatitis;Oxidative stress;Hepatic stellate cells;Hepatic fibrosis animal model