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CCMP95-TP-038-1 中醫傷科診斷標準之科學化指標研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:95-08-14
  • 更新時間:109-04-06


中醫傷科診斷基準之科學化指標研究 黃蕙棻 中醫傷科醫學會 近幾年來在衛生署中醫藥委員會的領導下,全台灣除了有中國、長庚兩所大學設 有中醫系所(大學部、碩士班、博士班)外,各大醫學中心(長庚、榮總、奇美、慈 濟、三總……等)以及全國各署立醫院均設有中醫部(科);加上在中藥的管理方面,全 面實施GMP中藥廠及推動cGMP藥廠、1開辦中藥臨床試驗中心、2訂定中藥質量管理規 則……等多項宏觀現代化施政下,使得中醫藥的發展有飛躍性的進步,也受到國人的 重視與肯定。 但是由於「中醫師」的來源與訓練背景的差異,使得中醫的醫療專業與診療水準 有相當大的落差,尤其是「中醫傷科」3診斷病名的不統一,或者籠統含混不精確,造 成民眾認知的誤解與詬病,甚至因學理基礎薄弱,造成誤診、誤治、浪費寶貴的健保 資源的情形時有所聞。 本計畫係以中西結合骨傷科學資料蒐集、中西骨傷科學者專家座談、臨床中醫傷科醫師問卷調查與實地訪查的方式進行研究。以訂定「中醫傷科診斷基準之科學化指標」,以及擬定「中醫傷科診斷指標」課程,作為中醫師繼續教育之教材,並提供全 民健保中醫傷科審查的依據參考,以確保中醫傷科診療品質,杜絕不必要的醫療浪費。

Study On The Scientific Diganosis Standard For Chinese Traunatology

Huang Hui-fen
Study On The Scientific Diagnosis Standard For Chinese Traunatology Huang Hui-fen The Association of Chinese Traumatology The purpose of this study is to promote the safety, efficacy and quality of Chinese Traumatology. Also to increase the availability and affordability of Chinese Traumatology. In order to establish therapeutically sound use of appropriate of Chinese Traumatology. We organize and integrate literature and documents belonging to Orthopedics in West Medicine and Traumatology in Chinese Medicine. According to ICD-9 and ICD-10, Disease with definition and scientific diagnosis markers will compare with Syndromes also with traditional definition in Chinese Traumatology in our study. The study will help CMDs(Chinese Medical Doctors) a clear-cut guideline to understand modern clinical thinking process. The scientific diagnosis standard for Chinese Traumatology will deliver useful information to the Bureau of National Health Insurance in control and investigation of Chinese Traumatology. After all, the study will promote the clinical trial and clinical evaluation of Chinese Traumatology with evidence-based.
關鍵字:Chinese Traunatology;Scientific diagnosis;Disease;Syndromes