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CCMP98-RD-020 加強中藥用藥安全與藥事服務品質教育計畫

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-12
  • 更新時間:106-06-15

在建構中藥用藥安全環境的執行策略包含提升藥品品質與專業素養,而後者的提升則須經由加強中藥教育方能培育足夠的專業之中藥執業人員,並進而提升藥師之專業能力與執業形象、提升中醫藥醫療與照護的品質。隨著全球的趨勢,現今當務之急則需了解現行中藥執業人員之中藥相關專業養成教育訓練課程與現代化臨床知識與技能之結合性需求,繼而推展重點繼續教育訓練課程,並藉由資訊網路的建構,以提升藥事服務執業與教學之持續性互動平台與服務品質。因此,計畫預計執行項目有,(一) 積極檢討現行之藥師及中藥販賣人員補修中藥課程之內容:實施方法則是進行諮議會議,來探討中藥品質管制與基準、物流管理、中西藥交互作用資訊、中藥不良反應通報系統等相關重點等,進行規劃中醫藥教育課程重點單元講題;(二)針對藥師、藥劑生及中藥販賣人員等學員,辦理中藥安全加強教育訓練課程:實施方法:辦理三梯次(北、中、南) 持續教育訓練課程,預計共至少二十四小時課程;同時架設與維護「中藥用藥安全教育與藥事照護資訊網」網站,以利加強教育之宣達;(三) 積極建構教與用雙向溝通平台與良性互動機制:實施方法:利用資訊網站作為實質互動之平台,藉由問卷實施以評估教育訓練成效。綜論之,本計畫之實施期許藉由專家與諮議委員會議對中藥教育課程所達成的國內共識講題,利用繼續教育課程的實施與資訊網站的平台,使藥師/藥劑生、傳統中藥房執業人員以及中藥材商從業人員/製造業等所需之專業人才得以加強培訓,以期間接促進醫藥生技產業之發展、達成強化中醫藥就醫用藥安全環境之終極目標。關鍵字:中藥用藥安全、教育訓練、藥事服務品質、資訊溝通平台。

Educational Planning on the Enforcement of Safety and Pharmaceutical Care Quality Control in Chinese Medicines

Tzu-Hua Wu
Taipei medical university
In order to promote the quality control of the pharmaceutical care and medications and also fulfill the Plans of Establishing Medication Safety Environment of Chinese Medicine (CM) in Taiwan, the enforcement educations on CM practitioners regarding the modernized knowledge of the CM safety are needed vastly. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the correlations between the current training courses and the updated clinical skills and knowledge and also the needs from the professions and the pharmacy business company. Then, an appropriate/priority lecture topics may be properly designed for continued education programs. By constructing a friendly website with fruitful pharmaceutical information related to the CM safety, practices will be able to utilize such communication platform to do the self-education, and therefore keep active communications between the pharmaceutical institutes and the academics and professional quality. To reach those goals, here we firstly plan to 1) evaluate the current education programs and courses for CM practitioners by inviting the specialists and professors joining together to reach a recommendation on the requirements of continued lecture topics on CM safety including CM quality control and standards, transportation and managements ,drug interactions of CM and western medicines, and adverse CM reaction information etc., therefore, 2) an at least twenty-four hour-enforcement education program will be held for pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and CM sales in the areas of northern, central, and southern Taiwan. At the same time, a website called “pharmaceutical safety education on CM and pharmaceutical care communications” will be constructed and updated periodically including questionnaires. The education outcomes may be easily performed. Conclusively, this educational plans on the enforcement of safety and pharmaceutical care quality control in CM aims to have conclusive recommendations on the CM safety lecture topics and spread those priority information through continued educations and internet technology platform to the CM practitioners/sales/producers. The goals of developments of CM biotechnology and medication safety environment of CM will be enhanced in the short future. Keywords: Safety control of Chinese medicine; Education planning; Quality control of Pharmaceutical care; Internet communication platform.
關鍵字:Safety Control of Chinese Medicine;Education Planning;Quality Control of Pharmaceutical Care;Internet Communication Platform