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CCMP98-RD-015 中草藥產業發展關鍵因子分析

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-12
  • 更新時間:106-06-15



Critical factor analysis of Chinese medicine industry

Shu-Hui Luo
Development Center for Biotechnology
The aim of this study is to exam the impacts of management and regulatory policy on industrial structure, business strategy, and the competitive advantages for herbal medicine in the major herbal medicine industry advanced countries. This will lead to the discussions of key factors in regulatory policy and regulations system. This research will analyze the similar and different approaches of related regulatory policy and regulations system in herbal medicine industry advanced countries (US, Germany, Japan, China). Using questionnaire survey and expert symposium, the influences of the key herbal medicine related policies on “market mechanism”, “business strategy”, and “competitive advantage” will be revealed as well. Furthermore, the worldwide development tends and policy information will be compared with the present regulation, policies and difficulties in Taiwan, to state opinions and revise the irrelevant regulations system. In addition, all the data brought by this project will be well collected and assembled for the publication of the 2009 Taiwan herbal medicine industry yearbook, the primary coverage includes: present situation and the trend of development on global herbal medicine industry, the introductions of major herbal medicine industries advanced countries, the new technical tendencies, and local herbal medicine company name list. The yearbook will provide sufficient references and information for industry, government officers and researchers.
關鍵字:Taiwan;Chinese medicine;Regulatory policy;Laws and regulations