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CCMP98-RD-014 台灣常見中藥及其廢棄物經Aspergillus oryzae NCH-42固態發酵處理對其機能性成分之研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-12
  • 更新時間:106-06-15

台灣常見中藥及其廢棄物經Aspergillus oryzae NCH-42固態發酵處理對其機能性成分之研究

根據東亞野生物貿易研究委員會(TRAFFIC East Asia)之資料顯示,台灣藥用植物的年進口量約有38,000公噸,為全球第五大藥用植物輸入國,僅次於香港、日本、美國與德國。中藥之應用技術亦隨社會發展日新月異,但多為溶劑萃取或蒸餾萃取,其萃取率不高,易破壞營養成分,且無法有效利用中藥造成浪費並增加處理廢棄物之負擔。相關研究指出微生物可利用中藥中的纖維、糖類與蛋白質等物質,具有轉化藥性、提高藥物療效、降低藥物毒性等作用,存有物理或化學萃取方法無可比擬之優勢。故本研究利用微生物所具有生物轉化(biotransformations)之特性,以自行篩選分離出;可經誘導分泌高單寧酶活性之Aspergillus oryzae NCH-42為試驗菌株,對中藥之藥渣進行固態發酵,探討不同之發酵條件對中藥藥渣活性成分之影響,此外,評估藥渣發酵前後單寧含量之變化,期能降低單寧含量、提升機能性成分萃取率、減少中藥飲品製劑之澀味、增加國人對中藥飲品之接受度以及改善其適口性,進一步探討製劑於儲藏過程中渾濁度之變化,並以體外細胞毒性試驗評估此萃取方法之安全性。期望能提高中藥有效成分之萃取率以及增加中藥藥渣之利用率,並為發酵中藥研究提供新的製備方法,亦使發酵中藥於醫療業及食品工業中的發展中能開闢出新的研究領域。

Studies of functional ingredients of the Taiwan Chinese herbal medicine and its residue with solid state fermentation by Aspergillus oryzae NCH-42

Chin-shuh Chen
National Chung hsing university
According to the Trade Record Analysis of Flora & Fauna in Commerce of East Asia (TRAFFIC East Asia), the annual volume of medical plant imported to Taiwan is nearly 38,000 metric tons. This shows that Taiwan is the fifth largest medical plant importer in the world, after Hong Kong, Japan, U.S.A. and Germany. The application technologies of the traditional Chinese herbal medicine changes with each passing day by social development. The methods of these applications are solvent or distillation extract. But the extraction yield followed by these two ways are not high, easy to destroy the nutrition ingredient, unable to utilize the Chinese herbal medicine effectively and increases burden to process the residue. Relevant research showed that microorganisms utilize materials such as fiber, carbohydrate and protein in traditional Chinese herbal medicine, which possess properties of medicinal transformation, enhancing curative effects, reduction of drug toxicity and has advantage in surpassing physical or chemical extraction methods. We utilized the characteristic of microbial bio-transformation for isolation of an extracellular tannase-producing fungus, Aspergillus oryzae NCH 42. In this present study, we used chinese herbal medicine and its residue to determine the effects of the functional ingredients under different solid-state fermentation conditions. We hypothesize a reduction of tannin content, enhanced extraction yield of functional ingredients, reduction of astringent taste and greater customer acceptance in the residue changes of tannin content before and after fermentation. Further studies will follow to determine the turbidity changes of the extracts during preservation period and later to assess the safety of this extraction method by cytotoxicity tests in vitro. We also expect in hypothesis to improve the extraction yield of functional ingredients and also to increase the utilization of Chinese herbal medicine in order to provide a novel preparation method for research in Chinese herbal fermentation. We hope to develop a new research sector in the medical and food industry.
關鍵字:Aspergillus;solid-state fermentation;bio-transformations;Chinese herbal medicine