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CCMP99-RD-014 可加入化粧品之中藥品項探討與規範草案之擬定

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-12
  • 更新時間:106-06-15


2. 公會及業界拜訪:拜訪全國性化粧品公會,並且至少訪問五家漢方化粧品業者,進行討論與意見交流。
3. 資料蒐集:


Study and the Proposal Drafting of the Application of the Chinese Medicines on the Cosmetic Products

In recent years, back to nature is a global trend. Chinese herbal medicine is one of the great herbal systems of the world, many herbal ingredients were applied in the commercial products. Because of the complexity of plant materials it is far more balanced than medicine based on isolated active ingredients and is far less likely to cause side effects. In this plan, the informations related in the application of Chinese herbal medicines were collected and evaluated by the experts. We propose to work on this initiative to establish a draft of a guidance on the application of Chinese herbal medicines on cosmetic products.
The study will focus on the following subjects:
1.Preparatory works:
(1)organization of an expert committee consisting of experts from industry, government agencies and academics. The duties of this committee are:
(a)policy establishment;
(b)approval or dispproval of drafts prepared by the task group.
(c)Formalizaing draft proposals before concluding this project.
(2)Organization of a task force for:
(a)drafting of all written proposals including the time schedule of the formal implementation by the government agencies;
(b)quality control and quality assurance of this project operated by a designated person.
2.Public hearings before the drafting and the final formalization of the draft guidance and other proposals.
(1)Discussion of the issue with the local cosmetic industry association;
(2)A public hearing on the general idea regarding the direction of the drafting;
(3)A public hearing or conference for the drafted proposals before the formalization.
(4)Site visiting for discussions with individual factories. A minimum of five factories will be visited.
3.Drating of guidance and system for the application of Chinese herbal medicines on cosmetic products.
(1)The draft proposal of the guidance will be prepared by using the existed related regulations of our country and the existed international guidances and regulations as key references.
(2)Drafting of templates that will be used described in literatures.
4.Formalization of the draft and other proposals and 40 species will be proposed.
5.Drating of guidance and system for the responsible government agency by the task group.
關鍵字:Chinese herbal medicine, cosmetic, regulation, draft