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CCMP99-RD-012 市售綠豆癀品質及毒性之追蹤研究

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:102-08-12
  • 更新時間:106-06-15




Investigate and track the quality and toxicity of commercial Mung bean Huang

Daih-Huang Kuo
The “mung bean huang” (progressed Mungbean) was mystical green grass formula and used as folk medicine in Taiwan and China for a long time. It was said that “mung bean huang” possessed deintoxicating effect and many kinds of physical functions. The progressed Mungbean can be taken by oral administration and also may be applied externally. The refinement process of the “mung bean huang” was very special and complicated. So the price of the product was quite high. But the quality of the product was criticized by different points. Therefore this study is aimed on the continues quality analysis of the product by the modern technology and the toxic research

The research was divides into five parts. The first work is to investigate deeply the refinement manufactured process of the market mung bean huang and collect these products. The second work is carried on the quality of analysis of the product. The tissue histology and pathology could be observed after oral repeated 90-day dose in rodents. The other work would be taken to test the cytotoxicity of the market mung bean huang product. By these quality analysis and the toxic research, it would be helpful to people health in Taiwan.